Page 27 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 25
P. 27


          We now have a new generation       like phones and electronic         Africa.

          of economists saying, Oh, it’s     devices, or in our hardware
          only a failure because you’re      shops and even online stores,      Decolonize our educational
          all corrupt in your countries.     all carry the tag “made in         system: Our current colonial

          We call that new institutional     China”. From snacks to toilet      educational system is faulty
          economics. You’ve all probably     wares. From pencils to pens.       from top to bottom. It’s a
          learned that all, but you didn’t   Everything seems to carry the      tool for indoctrination and
          know why they invented it.         China tag. We need this to         manipulation of our African
                                             change and the only way to         identity. It needs to change and

          It was invented to tell you the    do this is for the government      no one else will do it except
          same thing. You should keep        to create a more friendly          Africans.
          producing raw materials. Now,      environment for locally made

          don’t be as corrupt as you         goods and for Africans to          Reconnect to true
          were before. Nobody ever told      also buy locally-made goods.       spirituality: True spirituality
          you that aid was designed to       Or else a few years down the       is not religion or religious
          actually start the corruption      road, we will have lost every      activities. It is a divine identity
          process in the first place. Okay,   form of control of our local      which a person comes into and

          we need corruption to make         manufacturing and markets.         lives by on earth.
          sure you’re doing all these        And that is a threat to our
          things. But now we blame the       national security.                 Protect the family system:

          victim. You’re poor because                                           Everything in our world
          it’s your fault, basically. And    Control our food production        begins from the family system.
          you’re poor, stupid and corrupt.   and distribution: The fact         Meaning that a broken family
          Basically, this is the message     remains that he who feeds          system is a broken society. And
          that we are giving people.”        you or controls your food          with the way the gay agenda

                                             production and distribution will   is manifesting, you can tell the
          Only Africans can Change           control you and if I may add,      direction it is going.
          the False Narrative                may poison you when you are

                                             no longer of any use to them.      Create movements that build
          Here are a few things, amongst     Food production in the hands       African unity: It is clear to
          many other things that we must     of foreigners should be seen as    anyone who can see that the
          do to reclaim our true identity    a national security issue, not     African Union(AU) is a sitting
          as Africans.                       just an issue of farming.          duck. So, Africans must by

                                                                                themselves create movements
                                             Control our media narrative:       that give strength to our
          Control factors of                 Until Africans tell their own      continental unity rather than

          production: In case you have       stories, the narrative will        those things that divide us.
          not noticed, every single          always favor the agenda that
          product in our supermarkets        the world wants to push about

           WWW.MSINGIAFRIKAMAGAZINE.COM                                         ISSUE 25 | MARCH 2024        27
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