Page 26 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 25
P. 26


                                                                                what we have learned.

                                                                                But anyway, we were there
                                                                                at the university and you

                                                                                got a certificate and you
                                                                                come over here and you feel
                                                                                you’ve learned something.
                                                                                But sometimes we teach very
                                                                                destructive things, and no

                                                                                more important than when
                                                                                we’re teaching people from
          natural resources are harvested    to play. It has a role as a raw    developing countries. One

          for foreign interests.             material producer.                 of those very damaging
                                                                                and destructive things is
          The answer to the so-called        We will not allow sub-Saharan      the doctrine of comparative
          poverty of Congo is the same       Africa to escape that. We          advantage. It’s a lie. From

          answer to the so-called poverty    do everything to keep Sub-         beginning to end, it’s utter
          of Africa. Congo, just like        Saharan Africa where it is also    crap.
          Africa is not poor. She’s just     impoverished. It’s absolutely
          made poor. And that is a fact.     vital for the prosperity of        It has been decimated many

          Even our local politicians have    everyone else. So, let’s get       times. But we keep it in every
          mastered how to use poverty as     clear about that. Okay. And        curriculum. Why? Because
          a tool for getting votes.          this means all the economic        it tells sub-Saharan African
                                             structures, all the global         countries that their destiny is

          In a video lecture, Dr Howard      institutions and the economics     to produce raw materials. And
          Nicholas, a Sri Lankan             we teach, everyone is all          if you produce raw materials,
          economist and social scientist,    designed to keep Africa exactly    you get rich, just like we are in
          Senior Lecturer in Economics       where it is.                       the West. You see, this is the

          at the International Institute                                        game we’re playing. And just
          of Social Studies (ISS) of         And whether it is Europe or        for you to be totally confused,
          the Erasmus University of          U.S. or now China, it’s always     we normally build models with
          Rotterdam, made this statement     the same. We need Africa to be     mathematical models, so you

          about poverty in Africa.           impoverished because we need       really have no idea what we’re
                                             those raw materials and we         talking about.
          “Africa, historically, sub-        need them cheap. You see, we
          Saharan Africa has been            teach, in many cases, garbage      But it seems all very scientific.

          fundamental to the global          and it doesn’t hurt anyone. A      Then we have the modern
          prosperity of the advanced         lot of this garbage is blah, blah,   version of this because it’s all a
          countries, and Africa has a role   blah, blah. And we don’t know      failure. We know it’s a failure.

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