Page 10 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 26
P. 10
Unity of Purpose
For African Economic Development
By PD Lawton | 24 March 2024
T he concept of Speed Railway Network. 2023, to discuss the successes
of current rail modernization
High speed is 200 km/h and
standardized and integrated requires electrification. The projects as well as the
continental railway was construction of the network challenges. Among the
devised by the African Union is the responsibility of each critical needs, financing
in 2013 as part of Agenda member state to incorporate being the most obvious,
2063 `The Africa We Want`. connecting cross-border others were identified such
The key principle of this lines within the framework as railway technical skills
gargantuan undertaking is of domestic master railway training in universities. The
a continental railway that plans. event was highly optimistic
connects all regions and and successful, providing
capital cities by standard Update an opportunity for the rail
gauge, high speed rail. The A technical workshop industry’s leaders to confer
project is called AIHSRN, was held in Addis Ababa, with the African Union body
the African Integrated High Ethiopia, 12-14th December that oversees the project,
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