Page 14 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 26
P. 14
illustrate perfectly the a report on institutional session of the 36th Assembly
integrated corridor approach investment in Africa in 2018 of the African Union at AU
is LAPSET Corridor (Lamu up to 2020.And we realized headquarters in Addis Ababa.
Port-South Sudan-Ethiopia- at that time pension fund and In his remarkable speech he
Transport). So you have a the sovereign wealth fund stressed that Africa Needs
corridor from Lamu Port in only invest 1.4% of their a Common Integrated Deep
Kenya up Ethiopia through asset under management Strategy for Ending Poverty
South Sudan. Along the into infrastructure. If they and Industrialization. He
corridor you have a highway, can invest up to 5% that said the following, [ read his
you have a fiber optic line, will generate $25 billion entire speech by typing his
you have a resort city, an investment into infrastructure name on the Search bar of
airport, and then you have annually on this continent.” this website]
a power plant and more
importantly you have the “We developed a financing “What Africa can achieve in
LAPSET Railway Project strategy for PIDA, the the coming 40 years is what
which if really implemented Program for Infrastructure China achieved between
will give tremendous boost to Development in Africa , 1980 and 2020. Forty years in
inter-regional trade in East which articulate clearly which the Chinese economy
Africa and Central Africa from the project definition grew roughly 35 times and
and to connect to the West up to the operation of went from poverty to a very
African region, definitely.” maintenance, how much it strong economy, indeed by
will cost us and where can we some measures, the largest
Of course what is on get those resources and how economy in the world. Africa
everyone’s mind is funding. can we effectively mobilize has the same population as
As explained by Ibrah those resources. We need to China and it has the same
Wahabu currently rail take that strategy and adjust potential as China but it
financing is coming 80% it and translate it into the requires obviously a deep
from government while rail sector. And I am sure strategy to achieve this kind
institutional investment we can find the appropriate of result because what China
only invest 1.4% and the mechanism to finance the achieved resulted from a deep
private sector 12% into African Integrated Rail strategy, it was not something
infrastructure. Network project.” that just happened. It was
something that was promoted
“We used to think money In February of 2023, by the Chinese leadership,
is not the problem. This economist Prof.Jeffrey Sachs by the National Development
continent has a lot of money. was speaking at the “High and Reform Commission, by
How do you translate that Level Event on Africa’s strategists over the course
money into funding, into Macroeconomic Performance of 40 years. This I think, is
financing? We commissioned and Outlook,” at the opening Africa`s challenge. I don`t
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