Page 15 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 26
P. 15
believe this can be viewed
as one country at a time
even though each country
has a very important role to
play, because it will be the
cumulative, Africa wide ,
process that will carry each
of the countries forward ,
help set improved policies ,
make financing available and
solve infrastructure problems
. Africa needs an Africa wide
power pool. Africa needs an their best often surrounded Fast Track Proposal
Africa wide fiber network. by a lot of chaos in the
Africa needs an Africa wide neighborhood. But it was very Time, as always, is of the
transportation networks both hard to get this kind of long- essence and in the case of
highways and I would say term rapid development. Now Africa`s demographics, we
especially fast rail. And that I think what`s crucial is that do not have 40 years to spare
means no country on its own at the base – long-term rapid to reach the goals of Agenda
can accomplish this. These development comes from 2063, certainly in terms
are big projects; they require investments and rapid growth of railway development
a lot of financing. They comes from high levels of and resulting qualitative
require a lot of cooperation investment relative to the size changes to the economy to
between countries. of the existing economy. So to provide millions of jobs for
grow faster means to invest a African youth. This needs
I think the progress the higher proportion of GDP. to be accelerated not just
AU has made in the last 10 What is crucial though to for the benefit the people of
years is extremely important understand is that these Africa but for the benefit of
because it is only in the last investments are both public peace stability world-wide.
10 years that the real idea and private so there is no Rowland Ataguba, Managing
of a single market and an possibility to say we are Diector of Bethlehem
integrated prioritization of going to have private sector Railways was asked by the
Africa wide infrastructure led growth. That is not AU in 2020 to come up with
has come to the fore. possible, of course private a Fast Track Proposal for the
sector is crucial but without AIHSRN. His proposal is as
So I think that the base for this the public sector there is no simple as it is workable and
kind of development really private sector led growth.” it is urgent that it be adopted.
wasn`t there 20 years ago.
Individual countries could do
ISSUE 26 | APRIL 2024 15