Page 16 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 26
P. 16
Stop Foolish Talk of War in the Horn of Africa:
If Ethiopia is going has reflected his insight about Ethiopia and Somaliland
to make investments, how vital for Ethiopia is hav- signed the MoU for a port
“which they have to do ing a sea access with a guaran- access. How do you see the
in infrastructure to make tee of long term agreement, the progress of the agreement
the port profitable and need to access multiple ports to and what has been unfold-
efficient, then they need accommodate its rapidly grow- ing around the issue so far?
to have a long term lease ing economy and respond to the
agreement.” Says Law- needs of its large population, as There appears to still be
rence Freeman, an Amer- well as the benefits other coun- concern by Somalia about
ican political economic tries of the region can secure this Memorandum of Un-
analyst for Africa (www. from the Ethiopia – Somaliland derstanding (MOU). which I
lawrencefreemanafricaan- Port access deal and the role of haven’t seen the actual com- ). the regional countries. Enjoy plete agreement. There was
reading! also a report in the news that
In his brief stay with The in the meeting that Prime
Ethiopian Herald, Freeman It has been two months since Minister Abiy Ahmed had
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