Page 18 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 26
P. 18
the Somalia. This is also know where the memorandum insecure, as we’ve seen with
dangerous. They should of understanding is at this point, these recent attacks. If you
keep their nose out of the because of it’s been a long time– have another Navy, that helps
Horn of Africa, they should it’s been 10 weeks since it was you provide more security.
study physical economics, signed. But I would think this So it’s not a bad thing is a
they should listen and un- pursuit is a viable alternative to good thing. And I believe, it
derstand that this is benefi- Ethiopia having access to this is manipulated by geopoliti-
cial to all the nations. Now waterway, the Red Sea, the Gulf cal forces, who don’t want to
I don’t know where the of Aden, the Indian Ocean … see peace, who don’t want to
MOU stands two months, etc. And , there could be oth- see prosperity in the Horn of
over two months after it er ports that could be pursued. Africa. But a port in a navy
was initially signed, but The main thing, from my stand- military base, could help the
my advice is, we should go point as a physical economist is situation in the Red Sea, I
ahead with it. And this will Ethiopia should have a modern don’t see it as a negative, it
help all of the nations and port. And, without a long term could be a positive.
all of the people in the na- agreement, they’re not going to
tions. We have to get away make the investment in a mod- Many countries from di-
from anger, and historical ern board, nobody would. And verse corners of the world
rage, and historical petti- Somalia should not call this an- show interest in the red sea
ness and look to the future. nexing their land. It’s not annex- region. As a result they my
What kind of economy are ing any part of Somalia. They’re show concern on the new
we going to have? What making an agreement. It’s not development like Ethiopia
kind of economic growth annexation. Now, I believe, per- and Somaliland MoU. But
are we going to have in the sonally, that there outside forces is there any way they can
Horn of Africa and eastern that are manipulating the situa- also contribute in settling
Africa? That depends on tion, because there were forces the issue smoothly?
the economy of Ethiopia. that don’t want to see a strong,
independent sovereign Ethiopia. I think you see some coun-
What do you think can And these outside forces are try- tries trying to help the situ-
leaders of the region in- ing to weaken Ethiopia, just like ation. The visit of the Prime
cluding Ethiopia, So- they did in the war with North- Minister [Abiy Ahmed] to
maliland and Somalia ern Ethiopia. Kenya probably was a pos-
can do to reach a win win itive diplomatic trip, and it
solution? What kind of role do you may improve the situation.
think Ethiopia would play in I think it’s reasonable for
I think that the leaders of the peace and security of the countries in that region, have
sovereign nations should red sea region if it sets up na- discussions with Ethiopia,
be able to sit down and val force? have discussions with Soma-
discuss calmly, without lia, and other countries in the
anger. Without ancient Actually, in Ethiopia, he’s also Horn of Africa. That’s how
rhetoric, they should sit getting, I believe, several, may- problems should be solved.
down and discuss how we be 12 miles of area, of land along They should be solved by
can benefit all the people the water way. That’s good. Be- African nations, Sub Saha-
of our nation. Now, I don’t cause the whole Red Sea area is ran African nations involved
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