Page 17 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 26
P. 17


                                          benefit  all  the  countries  in  the   How do you think could dip-
                                          region because they will bene-     lomatic approach help reach
                                          fit  from  the  expansion  of  trade   consensus among the coun-
                                          and commerce. Number four, if      tries that signed the MoU and
                                          Ethiopia is going to have access   others?
                                          to a port, then they need to have
                                          long term agreement. It can’t be   Well, the fact of the matter is,
                                          a one year two year; we’ll do it   if the Somali government was
    Lawrence Freeman is a Political-Economic Analyst for  when we want. It can’t be ca-  more  thoughtful,  the  eloquent
    Africa, who has been involved in economic development   pricious. If Ethiopia is going to   solution would be simply. Say
     policies for Africa for over 30 years. He is a teacher,
     writer, public speaker, and consultant on Africa. Mr.   make investments, which they   we consider Somaliland part of
   Freeman strongly believes that economic development is an  have to do in infrastructure to   Somalia, if Somalia government
    essential human right. He is also the creator of  the blog:    make the poor profitable and ef-  is, is looking to the future, they

                                          ficient,  then  they  need  to  have   would say okay, Somaliland is
               with the president of      a long term lease agreement.       part of Somalia, and therefore
               Kenya, as a softening      Otherwise,  they  will  not  make   we accept the agreement, be-
               of the Prime Minister’s    the investments; nobody would.     cause it’s an agreement between
               position.                  And number five, the reactions     Ethiopia and land considered
                                          of many of the countries and       part of Somalia. So we will ben-

               However, much of the       leaders in the region represent    efit,  Somalia,  and  will  benefit
               discussion is just poorly   a legacy of the colonial mental-  our neighbors.  That would be
               informed, and not help-    ity of who owned what going        the most thoughtful, eloquent
               ful to the Horn of Africa   back many, many years, or de-     solution in Somalia to say ‘we
               to any of the nations in   cades. And they represent what I   agree that this will be helpful to
               the Horn of Africa: So-    would say ignorance in physical    all our people.’ Now that that el-
               malia, Somaliland, Dji-    economics  and  are  dominated     oquent solution is not being pur-
               bouti, Kenya, Eritrea,     by old grudges, rage and anger,    sued by Somalia, and Somalia,
               Ethiopia. The  problem     all of which is inappropriate at   has made all kinds of threaten-
               is the countries are re-   this time. If you want to see Af-  ing statements, which are really,
               acting in a less than in-  rica grow, if you want to see the   in my view, kind of silly to think
               formed manner. If they     region grow, if you want to see    that Somalia is going to go to
               understood      physical   all the nations of the Horn of     war with Ethiopia. It is silly, but
               economic growth, they      Africa develop and grow, then      it also dangerous.  And Ethio-
               would understand that      it’s ABCs. Very easy for me to     pia has been defending Somalia
               Ethiopia needs multiple    see the purpose of having long     with its treasure and blood with
               port access for its grow-  term access to multiple ports.     troops in Somalia, going back
               ing  economy,  num-        The argument for an access long    to the early 2006, and they’re
               ber one. Number two,       term access to port is valid. And   still there. So the idea that you
               Ethiopia is the largest    we should put aside all his other   would be able to mobiliser a
               economy  in  East  Afri-   commentary and focus on what       war against Ethiopia, it’s just
               ca and has great deal      will help improve the lives of     silly, but dangerous.  Then you
               of potential for growth.   Africans living in that region.    have other countries coming in,
               Number three, this will                                       and aligning themselves, for and
                                                                             against Ethiopia for and against

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