Page 29 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 26
P. 29

          Religious or                                                          don’t. So, someone like Mansa

                                                                                who sent that mail thinks
                                                                                he knows what we should
          Spiritual                                                             embrace as our spirituality

                                                                                or that we are brainwashed
                                                                                for praying for the blessing
                                                                                of Africa each time we send
                                                                                out the magazine issues. But,
           WHICH ARE YOU?                                                       clearly, he is delusional. First,

                                                                                sending a blessing in words or
            By Samuel Phillips                                                  text to someone has nothing

                                                                                to do with being a Christian,
                                                                                a Muslim, or anything else. It
               someone by the name           Now, when I wrote that reply       is mostly the state of a man’s
               of      Mosali      Mansa     and sent it, which by the way      heart towards others and

               (,        was what I was told to do, I was   because out of the content
               I guess in response to the    also told that if the person who   of the heart the mouth will
               last issue of the magazine    sent that mail was to reply with   speak, or the pen will write,

               that we shared. The email     any other insult or curse the      extending a blessing to others
               reads, verbatim:              blessing that has been extended    is also a founding principle of
                                             to him, then he is not worthy      the Ubuntu that Africans like
               “The muzugu god will          of any blessings, he must be       to talk about. Ubuntu starts
               not save  Africa.  You are    cursed. There has been no reply    from the heart and not the

               brainwashed with your         from him up till now.              mouth.
               blessed nonsense!”
                                             Here is where I am going with      There are dimensions and

               I looked at the mail, and     this story.                        realms of spiritual realities
               several thoughts and ways                                        that go way beyond what any
               to answer his insult came     So many people think they          human mind can put together
               to mind, but I also knew      know and understand the            in one space.  Thus, for
               what  my response should      fullness of what being spiritual   anyone to say that what he or

               be. So, I wrote back and      means, or what spiritual warfare   she believes in is the ultimate
               said “God bless you sir.      entails, either because they go    spiritual reality there is, and
               Have a blessed evening.”      to church on Sundays, they go      then try to impose that on

                                             to  the    Mosque  on  Fridays,  or   someone else is foolishness.
               Like usual,  I deleted the    they worship some trees or give    It simply means the person
               mail so my wife wouldn’t      sacrifices to some spirits in the   does not even have an
               see it.                       ocean and whatever else they do.   understanding of what being
                                             The reality, however, is that they   spiritual is.

                                                                                            ISSUE 26 | APRIL 2024  29
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