Page 30 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 26
P. 30
Lots of young Africans, in God, or the Divine All, does not Religion
the name of being spiritually see visions or have revelations.
woke, are walking away from He does not need them. What Religion is just a set of
the Christianity that they we call revelations or visions on rules, guidelines, rituals, and
claim corrupted their African earth are just what the Divine is processes that tries to help you
spirituality, are now running thinking, imagining, or doing figure out your spirituality. But
here and there all across the that we have been given access spirituality is not meant to be
continent, saying they are trying to see either through divination, figured out, but to be embraced,
to get back to the spirituality, visions, revelations, or whatever lived out consciously on the
cultures, and traditions of their else is available to a man on his outside based on the innate
forefathers. I have no single journey of becoming one with connection to Divinity on the
issue with that and in fact, I the Divine. What this means is inside. It is about the system of
applaud it. I too stopped going that the spiritual realm is the Divine Knowledge (the tree of
to church in 2007. But what I mental or thinking or dwelling life) whose water flows from
can sense is that such people place of God and our spirituality the Creator down to all created
running around, talking about is basically who we are within things and back to the Creator.
spirituality that they don’t that place of the Divine and our It is a beautiful movement of
understand end up heaping corresponding purpose or duty the spirit of life that makes an
upon themselves more religions on earth. This is what forms our individual a part of the whole
and religious complexities spirit and truth. and then the whole is also
than their hearts, where true fulfilled in the individual.
spirituality lies, can carry. They One of the seven principles
get corrupted, obsessed, and of the Kemetic spiritual Therefore, a spirit having a
then possessed with entities knowledge is the principle of human experience should, by
and realities that they are not “as it is above, so it is below” or the depth of its own soul, know
prepared for or cannot handle. as the Bible puts it “your will be his or her spiritual identity in
done on earth as it is in heaven”. the grand scheme of existence
My thoughts on spirituality What does that mean? All that and does not need any set of
man is looking for in religion is rules or guidelines to do so. And
In its simplest form, spirituality to bring into the physical plane yes, there are sets of rules and
is the consciousness of and the that which is available within processes that guide a seeker of
embrace of your identity before the mental plane of the Divine. truth on the pathway to spiritual
Divinity. It is about knowing maturity, however, a person’s
who you are as a spirit, your Every religion on earth uses spiritual identity is already
place and mandate in the realm various methods for accessing hardwired within their DNA
of the spirit, even while you the mental plane of the Divine and they do not need any form
are having a physical human and I am not here to tell you or forms of religion to know it.
experience in the physical plane which is better to use. Most African cultures tell the
called Earth. creation story from two sides;
| we tell the true afrikan story