Page 35 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 26
P. 35


          The four branches of the “sene      to mind the surface storyline of    Releasing Gene-ius
          na” in which the spider was         the Dogon :
          working will bear fruit .. The first                                    For    English    Egyptologist
          seed caught by the sense was that   The main system of cosmology        Wallis Budge moreover, in his
          of the “mono”, a word meaning       was developed at Heliopolis,        Legends of the Egyptian Gods,
          “to bring together” .. the second   once the ancient holy city          we  find  the  ancient  Egyptian
          sene “gommuzo” or “bumpy”;          where the pharaohs came to          equivalent of creation of
          the third sene “benu” or “stocky”;   have their power consecrated.      matter, known as “laying the
          and sene “urio” – its “head”.  The   Not  only  was the Heliopolitan    foundations”. As such,
          four “sene” contained the four      cosmology  the  earliest,  but  it
          elements – sene na (water); sene    also provided inspiration for       •      Firstly the hieroglyphic
          gommuzo (air); senne benu (fire)    Egyptian theologians throughout     counterpart of the Dogon word
          and sene urio (earth).              later periods of history. In        bummo, the act of conception,
                                              the beginning was Nun, often        is bu maa,  a synonym for maat,
          Dogon Parallels to Egyptian         translated as “chaos”, containing   based on the roots word maa,
          Mythology                           the potential for the sees of life.   which means to “perceive – our
                                              It was from this chaos that the     grounding
          The Heliopolitan Cosmology          sun emerged. It appeared on a       •      Secondly, the Egyptian
          The many persistent similarities    mound of earth covered in pure      counterpart of the Dogon
          between Dogon and Egyptian          sand emerging from water, taking    yala is ahau,  which means
          religious symbols and lifestyles    the form of a standing stone, the   “delineation   of   posts   or
          lead to a natural suggestion that   “benben”, the focus of a cult at    boundaries” – our emergence
          modern Dogon society could          Heliopolis, considered to be the    •      Thirdly, the Dogon
          actually represent a modern         original site of creation.          tonu,  an “approximation of
          remnant of ancient Egyptian                                             what is to be created”  is the
          culture.  For Serge Sauneron in     We know, moreover, that the first   Egyptian teni, which means “to
          his book The Priests of Ancient     emergent gods of the Heliopolitan   estimate” – our navigation
          Egypt :                             tradition were Geb, Nut, Shu and    •      Finally,   the   Dogon
                                              Tefnut – respectively associated    creational stage, toy, is tematu,
          The        Egyptians       never    with earth (Geb), water (Nut),      which    means    in   ancient
          considered their language – that    wind  (Shu)  and  fire  (Tefnut),   Egyptian “complete”, the same
          corresponding to the hieroglyphs    followed  by  Isis and  Osiris,     notion as the God  Atum (to
          – as a social tool; for them, it    Seth  and  Nephythis,  altogether   be complete), which for us is
          always  remained  a  resonant       constituting the eightfold Ogdoad.     transformative effect.
          echo of the vital energy that       With Neith as the mother goddess,
          had brought the universe to life,   moreover, we therefore have at      These four phases, in turn, can
          a  cosmic force.  Thus study of     the very foundation of Egyptian     be related the four quantum
          this language enabled them to       religion the unmistakable symbol,   forces  :    the  gravitational
          “explain” the cosmos.               according to Scranton, for  a       force     (grounding),     the
                                              primordial thread symbolizing       electromagnetic          force
          Moreover, in A History of Ancient   the four categories of quantum      (emergence), the weak nuclear
          Egypt,  the French Egyptologist     particles, expressed in virtually   force (navigation), and the
          Nicholas Grimal                     the same terms as that of the       strong nuclear force (effect).
          provided a description that calls   Dogon.

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