Page 34 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 26
P. 34
ancestors must make during the - The third “navigational” stage the atom .. emergence
process of transformation. Once refines the image of the thing
inside the womb, the eighth to be created, that is the Tonu, the third category is called the
ancestor gains knowledge of a figure, diagram, ..a schematic weak nuclear force .. exhibiting
the Word of the female Nummo, outline of generally separated a property known as spontaneous
which with the male Nummo graphic elements; it is the sketch, symmetry breaking. This means
takes the shape of a spiraling the rough draft of the thing to be that what appear to be a number
coil. This coil is the textbook presented. of completely different particles
image of the DNA molecule – at owe energies are in fact found
the double helix – that we know - The fourth and final stage of the to be all the same particle, only in
is the medium of transmission “effectively” creative act, termed different states .. navigation.
for the genetic “word”. Toy, is to produce the finished
image of the thing to be created. The fourth category is the strong
Dogon Parallels to the Big It is also the thing itself. nuclear force, which holds the
Bang quarks together in the proton and
The Four Quantum Forces neutron, within the nucleus of the
Bummo to Toy : Grounding Further examining the Dogon atom .. effecting.
to Effect symbols, now as they relate to
Citing the book The Pale Fox, quantum physics, Scranton notes The gravitation is so weak and
by the French anthropologists that the four creative stages – undetectable as to be a seed
Griaulde and Dieterlen, Stanton bummo, yala, tonu and toy – (bummo - grounding). The
describes a basic approach might have a bearing on quantum electromagnetic force defines
to the act of creating that is physics, in relation to the four the outline of the object (yala
defined within the framework types of force-carrying particles - emerging). The weak nuclear
of Dogon mythology. This the physicist Stephen Hawking force at states of high energy
approach includes four phases describes in his Brief History of refines the component particles
or stages, and, for the Dogon, Time : (tonu - navigating) and the strong
applied to any creative project, nuclear force binds or draws the
which can be aligned with our .. The first category is the atom (toy - effecting).
integral rhythm : gravitational force. The force is Dogon Parallels to String Theory
universal, that is every particle
- In the first of these an idea feels the force of gravity, String theory came to the
is conceived, which the according to its mass or energy .. forefront of scientific thought
Dogon call Bummo. At this grounding in the early 1980’s, whereby
“grounding” stage the project particles were conceived as
only exists in signs or seeds. The next category is vibrating, oscillating, dancing
- In the second stage, called the electromagnetic force, which filaments. Just as the strings of
Yala, the “emergent” project interacts with electrically string theory, as such, are thought
is conceived in broad strokes charged particles like electrons to give rise to the four quantum
that indentify the boundaries .. The electromagnetic attraction forces, so the Dogon tell us that
of the object to be created, the between negatively charged the spider gives birth to four
“mark” or “image” of the thing particles and positively charged seeds, or sene na. As we see from
in dotted lines. protons in the nucleus causes the The Pale Fox :
electrons to orbit the nucleus of
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