Page 37 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 26
P. 37


          it down and this time they gave    hide such important protocol       be YouTube or any other social
          us a strike saying that we could   if truly the vaccines were for     media platform, but the various
          not upload, post, or live-stream   global health as they claimed?     individuals and organizations
          for one week.  That strike will    We need to wake up people.         that are working in the global
          be  in the  system for  90 days                                       health sector – including
          and there are penalties against    Where we are right now globally,   independent bodies that are
          the channel if we get any more     if you are paying close enough     free  from  the  influence  of  the
          strikes - the third one resulting   attention, you will realize that   globalist ‘elites’. The CDC and
          in the channel being removed       many things are taking new         FDA website, from where we
          from YouTube.  The  same           definitions  and  a  close  look  at   got the information about the
          medical misinformation was the     the  new  definitions  will  show   presence of aborted human fetal
          reason they gave. And according    you clearly where the globalist    cell lines in vaccines are public
          to the timeline they shared        agenda is going. For instance,     health domains and they proved
          with us, for which the video       a terrorist is not necessarily     that what we said is true.
          was removed, they removed          someone  who  kills  or  bombs
          the video because we shared        others, but whoever stands in the   Go down the rabbit hole
          that  WI-38 and  MRC-5 which       way of the interests of the West.   My  African people, we must
          are some of the ingredients in     A dictator is now any leader       wake up and learn to read
          vaccines according to the CDC,     who decides not to follow the      between  the  lines  of  every
          are aborted human fetal cell       dictates of the West and being     popular narrative thrown at us.
          lines. According to Google, both   male or female is determined by    Nothing is written in black and
          WI-38 and MRC-5 are human          whatever choice a person wakes     white and that’s the reality on the
          fetal lung strains harvested       up and makes in the morning.       ground. As Africans,  we  must
          from aborted babies.  You can      So, basically, a man can decide    be those who go hunting after
          research that for yourself. So,    in the morning that he feels that   truth and accurate knowledge.
          the question is, between us        he is a female and then go ahead
          and  YouTube, who is sharing       to become one.                     Our    leaders   have   proven
          medical misinformation or let                                         beyond doubt that they are not
          me say disinformation? You be      So, covertly speaking, when        always reliable when it comes
          the judge.                         YouTube took down two of our       to our collective interests and
                                             videos that contained health       we as a people must be able to
          We are making arrangements         information and then accused us    look beyond them and create
          for you to have access to the      of medical misinformation, what    solutions that work for us. The
          deleted video on our website.      they actually meant was that       world is fast going towards the
                                             we  are  sharing  with  the  world   grand tipping point of Agenda
          Pay attention                      health or medical information      21 or  Agenda 2030, where
          Here is a question I want to ask,   that they want to keep secret     the freedom of the citizens of
          during COVID-19, why did           from the world. It’s as simple     the world will be massively
          Europe and the  Western world      as that. This is not to mean that   regulated by faceless globalists
          refuse to give the African Union   there are no genuine concerns      who think they own everyone.
          CDC access to the protocols that   about medical misinformation       The time to do what must be
          contain the ingredients used in    and its effects, but the question   done is now. 2030 is a landmark
          making the COVID-19 vaccines       is, who decides what is medical    year, so be prepared.
          that were sent to Africa?  Why     misinformation? It should not      #WakeupAfricans

                                                                                            ISSUE 26 | APRIL 2024  37
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