Page 11 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 27 Final
P. 11
continuous dialogue with Speaking Truth to Power
nations of the so called axis
of evil; Russia, China, and Into this environment, Minister
Iran. Pandor challenged the precepts
• For participating in China’s of geopolitical thinking in
Belt and Road Initiative. Washington, displaying courage,
• For being a leader of the morality, diplomatic adeptness,
Global South and Non- all with a quality of grace and
Lawrence Freeman is a Political-Economic Analyst for Aligned Movement that dignity, rarely seen in the U.S.
Africa, who has been involved in economic development provides an alternative to Capital.
policies for Africa for over 30 years. He is a teacher,
writer, public speaker, and consultant on Africa. Mr. the diseased ideology of
Freeman strongly believes that economic development is an zero-sum geopolitics. On March 19, I had the privilege
essential human right. He is also the creator of the blog: of observing Minister Pandor in
In a March 21, press release her discussion at the Carnegie
South Africa Bilateral from his office, Cong James Endowment for International
Relations Review writes: “South African officials Peace, and afterwards at an
Act, with bipartisan have made a miscalculation by inter-faith dialogue at the South
support has passed the aligning themselves with Russia African embassy on ending the
House Foreign Affairs and China. It is in our national war in Gaza.
Committee, and can security interests for the United
now advance to a full States to review our relationships The event at Carnegie entitled:
vote of to the House of with nations that may not share Are South Africa-U.S.
Representatives. our values and align themselves Relations at a Turning Point?
with such actors. A Conversation With Naledi
According to this Pandor, was conducted by Dan
nefarious legislation, This disgraceful piece of Baer, Carnegie’s senior vice
South Africa’s alleged legislation, which attacks president for policy research.
“offences” include: Minister Pandor personally, Baer’s argumentative attitude
reflects the animus towards a reflecting the prejudices of
• Courageously nation that does not accept the Washington, was constantly
bringing to the absolute authority of the “rules- challenged by Minister Pandor,
United Nations based order.” South Africa is as can be seen from the partial
International being targeted by the United transcript that follows.
Court of Justice, States, not for any single action
the genocidal it has taken, but because South Baer began by asking Min.
behavior by the Africa will not submit to the Pandor to rate American
Israeli government dictates of the Western political- political leadership. She
of Prime Minister financial elite. South Africa, responded, shockingly: I rate
Benjamim other African nations and those it at 6 for executive and below
Netanyahu against of the Global South will rightly that for the legislature…. I’m
the Palestinian understand this legislation as not sure the legislators have
people of Gaza. a full scale violation of South an understanding of South
• Remaining in Africa’s sovereignty. Africa…. I think they make
conclusions about South Africa’s
ISSUE 27 | MAY 2024 11