Page 14 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 27 Final
P. 14

A Thousand Stories

               FROM A SCRAPYARD

               Tawanda Mupatsi. Harare, Zimbabwe

                            hildhood exuberance would           mentary good boys and girls, after a series
                            often lead us into some of the      of parental rebukes, we would always find

                   Coddest places in our search for             ourselves gravitating towards the scrapyard.
               hidden thrills that were tucked somewhere        From there we would scrounge for wires,
               within the community’s corners. From the         pieces of metal bars, and bottle tops to make
               mischievous and daring act of swimming in        wire cars and other improvised toys. One

               dirty deep waters that meandered nearby, to      day a friend had ‘a good find’ from one of
               stealing mangoes, berries, and guavas from       the piles of rubbish. It was an old television
               neighboring orchards to incite rage from         set with a wooden exterior that we could use
               both the property owners and their guard         as a prop in a game called Mahumbwe (A

               dogs. On those few days when we were mo-         Shona word meaning-playing house). With-

               |   we tell the true afrikan story
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