Page 83 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 27 Final
P. 83


                                                                                Feature in Africa’s Poor
                                                                                Neighborhoods”. Or

                                                                                something like that. And to
                                                                                add to your surprise, you
                                                                                have no idea of how the

                                                                                image of you and your family
                                                                                was taken, when it was taken,
                                                                                and by whom.

                                                                                But this is what’s happening

                                                                                in the tourism sector in Africa
                                                                                and it’s been happening for
                                                                                a long time, but now it has a
               tourists. Tourism is a money-    flipping through a physical     name. How, in the name of
               spinner in many parts of         or online magazine, and         anything holy, will a person

               Africa – and for Kenya it is     suddenly, under the tourism     or group of persons leave
               the country’s second largest     page, you find the photo of     their countries, come to an
               source of income. Its safaris    yourself and your family        African country, walk into
               are world famous, but a          having your evening meal        a community of people,
               recent drop-off in wildlife      made of whatever staple         take their photos with or

               tourism has given rise to this   food you usually eat for        without their knowledge,
               new type of sightseeing.         dinner. Imagine how             and then post them online as
               (Excerpt from Nomad Africa       surprised you would be.         the trophies of their poverty

               Magazine, Issue 14)              Also, imagine that that         tourism in Africa?
                                                image was used as the main
               Now, also imagine for            cover of an article titled      My first visit to the informal
               a moment that you are            “Maize Meal: A Prominent

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