Page 86 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 27 Final
P. 86


               in this article.                                 out of the government and private agencies.

                                                                So to not deal with it from its many angles
               First, concerning drugs and the peddling         is to be wasting time dealing with the wrong
               of drugs in South Africa by Nigerians or         thing. Also, there is a simple business law

               whoever else that is being accused, my           which posits that demand always drives
               opinion will be, let whoever is guilty of such   supply. Simply put, you cannot call the seller
               crimes be arrested and prosecuted according      of drugs criminals while calling the buyer
               to the laws of the land. Period! There should    and user of the drugs innocent victims. Its
               not be any debate about such crimes. It is       like saying a thief is a criminal but the buyer

               evil and should be dealt with as such but with   of stolen goods is a saint. In simple words,
               fairness and justice according to the laws of    the day the buyer stops buying, thats the day
               the land and without prejudices.                 the seller will be forced to stop selling. But if

                                                                its that simple, that I do not know.
               As a South African, you may want to say
               “but the SA police are in bed with the           South Africans claim that foreigners are
               criminals, so they cannot arrest them”. If       turning their young women into prostitutes.
               that is true, then the police themselves are     This is a very unfortunate matter and should

               criminals and you should be worried. In          be looked into critically. My opinion will be
               fact, that means you have a bigger systemic      that, in as much as the issue of prostitution
               problem that needs a serious systemic            of young women in any society is an evil

               solution. The South African police or            that should not be tolerated by any means,
               customs officer or immigration office who        but how come we don’t start by asking basic
               will turn a blind eye to drug traffickers or     questions like, when a jobless sixteen year
               contraband goods because he was given a          old girl comes back home with the latest
               thousand Rand will one day allow a terror        iPhone and some big bags of groceries, what

               group bring in bombs to the capital if given     did you do as a parent? Like drugs, iphones
               a million Rand. Its pretty simple. And that      don’t grow on trees. Or do you only complain
               will become a  serious national security issue   that foreigners lured your young women into

               and not just a case of drug peddling. Meaning    prostitution because they suddenly stopped
               that as South Africans, you must remove          coming home? The fact remains that every
               the emotions you have about the so called        family has a responsibility for the moral
               foreign nationalities doing drugs in your        upbringing of the folks in that family. And I
               country and really look at the systemic rot      do not say this to make light the things going

               that is creating and also benefiting from the    on in the street. The truth is, the street is very
               drug trade.                                      hard  and to conquer it requires some real
                                                                boldness. But the family is a good place to

               We all know that drugs don’t grow on the         start if we want to rid the streets of its evil.
               streets and the distribution of it is based on   Is this a poverty war among the poor?
               complex systems that involves people in and      From every report or videos that I have seen

               |   we tell the true afrikan story
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