Page 87 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 27 Final
P. 87


               lately regarding South Africans wanting          culture says that tomorrow is not given to

               Nigerians deported out of their country, not     anyone, so do what you must today. And
               ones do you hear them talk about deporting       this is true even though its not learned in
               the Nigerian medical doctors in the South        class. Personally, I do not fancy pushing to

               African hospitals, or the Nigerian professors    tomorrow what I can do today and those
               in SA Universities or the Nigerian CEOs          who know me know that I can put off
               or bankers in some of the big banks in SA.       sleep to achieve a goal. So if its this zero
               Its always about the poor South Africans         tolerance for procrastination that is found in
               asking for the poor Black foreigners who are     many Nigerians that other nationalities call

               hawking on the streets like themselves to        impatience, then thats a good impatience. For
               be deported. I find that very curious though.    of a truth, tomorrow is not guaranteed for
               But it points to something really deep in the    anyone and why transfer todays problems to

               psyche of the average African. Its like we       tomorrow when tomorrow has its own.
               have allowed the system of this world to spin
               this massive narrative in our heads that those   Back to the true culture of the African people
               that look like us are our problems and not       which is based on Life and the Nurturing of
               the system that created the divide that makes    Life, the Nigerian or any other nationality

               us see our ourselves as the problems while       in South Africa that is peddling drugs on the
               exonerating the system. I am not that guy that   streets of SA; the SA police, the customs,
               makes excuses for myself, even though I do       the immigration and any other government

               not mind excusing others when they come          agencies that are part of the evil scheme,
               short. So this is not me pointing fingers at     are not expressing the true culture of Africa.
               the system and not at the individuals who        They all are anti-life. The drug peddler kills
               run the system. That will be foolishness. The    with his trade the very young people Africa
               system is just a term used to paint a picture    needs to sustain the future. The prostitute on

               of the many hurdles that man has created and     the streets who gets pregnant in the course
               trapped himself in. Only he can unstrap and      of doing the trade and then aborts the baby,
               free himself if he decides to.                   so as to continue “working” and the male

                                                                pimps who make all the runs happen are also
               In conclusion and just as an example, if         guilty of undermining the purpose of Africa
               you ask another African nationality about        as a life-giving spirit. There are no sacred
               Nigerians, some will say “oh yes I love          cows in this one. We all must return back
               Nigerians. I love their music but they are too   to what makes us Africans. We can trade

               impatient”.                                      blames all we like,  but until we deal with the
               I am a Nigerian, so I can speak freely           foundation of our hearts, nothing of note will
               about these things. Now, there is a whole        change on the outside.

               lot of difference between impatience and
               zero tolerance for mediocrity. An average        Let the change begin! ASE!!
               Nigerian was raised in a society whose

                                                                                             ISSUE 27 | MAY 2024  87
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