Page 84 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 27 Final
P. 84


                                                                                some made of cement

                                                                                blocks. I saw the huge
                                                                                dumpsites in very close
                                                                                proximity to the houses.

                                                                                But I also saw people who
                                                                                were going about their daily
                                                                                lives irrespective of what
                                                                                the environment looked
                                                                                like. People, amid that

                                                                                discouraging slum, who
                                                                                still wake up in the morning
                                                                                to get their daily bread. I

                                                                                tried to take photos of these
                                                                                people but I just could not
                                                                                bring myself to. I could not
                                                                                make myself trap them in
                                                                                digital frames that would tag

                                                                                them as poor for posterity.

                                                                                But here is the painful part

                                                                                of the story, when you
                                                                                search online for the images
                                                                                taken by the so-called
                                                                                poverty tourists, you don’t
                                                                                find them on the free stock
               settlement known as Kibera or Kibra, was sometime in             photography websites. You

               2017. The place I lived at the time in Nairobi was just a        find them on sites where
               fence away from Kibera. From my sitting room, you could          they are sold for hundreds
               hear conversations that were going on in the houses on the       of dollars. So, basically, the

               other side of the fence. That’s how close we were. So, on        so-called poverty tourism
               this particular day, there was a need for me to walk through     that tags Africans as poor is
               Kibera, as some assignment of some sort. I borrowed a DSLR       again another exploitative
               Camera that was made available by a brother and entered into     means of making money by
               Kibera. As soon as I entered this so-called slum, I could see    foreign tourists in Africa.

               glaringly the sharp contrast between the estate I had just come   Not to talk of the fact that
               out of and where I was walking in Kibera, even though it was     the world loves it when the
               only separated by a fence.                                       narrative about Africa is

                                                                                that of poverty, crisis, and
               I saw the houses, some made of wood and iron sheets and          hunger.

               |   we tell the true afrikan story
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