Page 22 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 31
P. 22
into the ocean, one thing kept popping up on the east. Apart from the numerous small
in my mind, that is, what was life like in feeders of the upper river, the only other
Africa before the European disturbance that tributary is the Tsavo River, from the east
invaded our communities? I am not really side of the Kilimanjaro, which enters at
seeking an answer but just a reflection on about 3° S. It then turns east, and in its lower
what could have been if Africa had note course is known as the Sabaki (or Galana)
been so viciously invaded and contaminated River, which traverses the sterile quartz-land
by Western ideologies around money and of the outer plateau. The valley is low and
individualism. flat, covered with forest and scrub, containing
small lakes and backwaters connected to the
So, whether you’re an avid photographer, river during the rainy season. During the
nature lover, or simply someone who enjoys rainy season, the river rises as much as 10
the quiet peace of a morning stroll, Malindi metres (33 ft) in places, now strongly flowing
offers a unique glimpse into the natural with a turbid yellow colour; navigation is
beauty and simplicity of life on the Kenyan interrupted by the Lugard Falls, actually a
coast. There are loads of tourist sites you can series of rapids. Flowing east, it enters the
visit in Malindi. One such site on my bucket Indian Ocean 10 kilometres (6.2 mi) north of
list while still here would be to visit the Gede Malindi. (Source: Wikipedia)
ruins in Watamu and the Arabuko Sokoke
Forest. Final thoughts
About the river I mentioned that I wasn’t so surprised that
Lama didn’t seem to collect any money
The Athi-Galana-Sabaki River is the second from most of the people I watched him ferry
longest river in Kenya (after the Tana River). across the river within the time that I was
It has a total length of 390 kilometres (240 there, and my reason is simple; Most parts of
mi) and drains an area of 70,000 square Africa still hold community and community
kilometres (27,000 sq mi). The river rises in service in high regard. And this I have seen
the Gatamaiyo Forest as the Athi River and from the various places my family and I have
enters the Indian Ocean as the Galana River lived in Kenya. Ubuntu is not dead, we just
(also known as the Sabaki River) need to give more voice to its use.
The Athi River flows across the Kapiti and Speaking about Ubuntu which means “I am
Athi plains, through Athi River town, and because we are”, we must also understand
then takes a northeasterly direction where the other side, that is “I am not because we
it is met by the Nairobi River. Near Thika, are not”. Think about this for a moment.
the river forms the Fourteen Falls and turns
south-south-east under the wooded slopes
of the Yatta ridge, which shuts in its basin
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