Page 26 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 31
P. 26
about classism in society and how the bridge if some miracle happens. But somewhere
beween the lower class and the middle class within the man’s mind, he realized he can
is gradually closing up. Technically, much actually make that coffee table himself if he
like how everything that the white man watched a couple of YouTube tutorials about
taught Africans are beginning to break up and how to make coffee tables. So he goes home,
the lies are being seen for what they are. watched a few tutorials on his phone and also
got himself a few tools. Two weeks later, his
So, while we had that conversation, we family’s new coffee table is ready for use,
realised that this closing of the bridge not because the family wealth changed in
between the lower class and the middle class terms of more money, but because of more
in our society is not happening because knowledge on how to create. So now you
more of those who are designated as lower see more people building beautiful and safe
class are suddenly making more money earth-made houses using knowledge learned
to move up the ladder, or because social online. Some even built simple eco-friendly
class discrimination is no longer a thing mini luxury resorts where the middle class
but because those termed as lower class are like to come and chill from the rat race in the
learning how to do or make for themselves cities.
the very luxury items that the middle class
like to buy for crazy amounts. And this is Here is the thing, knowledge and the
just one instance of the shift goind on. Take aquisition of knowledge is shiftin from the
for example, a middle class family goes to a traditional school systems or what many
furniture shop to get some imported coffee like to call Master Classes where they pay
table or a classic sofa or just anythng worth through their noses to learn a few new tricks
spending real money on. And of course, they from gurus or proffessionals. There is more
are always overpriced. They walk over the knowledge on the internet about everything
entire shop touching and making comments right now and the traditional school is
about each furniture and what it will look becoming quite exstinct. Wealth inequality
like in their beautiful apartment or villa. The and social class is begining to fade away
kids are not spared of the temptation to jump even as more people are begining to see hat
and play around the finely set furnitures and true wealth is not just money, but the flow of
the parents alos don’t spare a good smile real knowledge and creativity that flows from
when they finally swiped the card to make the inside.
payment for this newly aquired beauty called
an Arabian coffee table. There is a fountain of knowledge within
everyone of us, not tapping into that fountain
Now, a lower class family walks by that is what the educational system was created
same furniture shop, and because they can’t to do, so you will pay someone else to teach
by any means afford the coffee table or the you what you already have on the inside of
sofa, they just looked from the window and you.
wished someday they will be able to afford
the furniture if they work really hard or
| we tell the true afrikan story