Page 24 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 31
P. 24


                        ne of the legacies of colonialism that   by pointing here or there to the tiny group
                        has always fascinated me is what I      of actual workers. There were others also
               Ocall, the “overseer syndrome” This              standing and lazily watching the whole scene
               is the idea that there is someone who does a     like good overseers do. I have also witnessed
               job and another one employed to make sure        grass cutters in parks also surrounded by lazy
               that the worker works. In slavery language,      looking overseers. This is an inheritance of

               which is the basic language of colonizers, the   the colonial mindset of master and servant
               overseer is “the slave driver”.                  which was embedded itself in African
               I once witnessed not long ago when we had
               a City Council in Nairobi, about two workers     A casual look at popular local soap operas on
               engaged in repairing a pothole in one of the     Kenyan television programming will easily
               roads. These two fellows were surrounded by      show you that to a Kenyan mind,
               about 20 Council workers all surrounding the
               two and basically making themselves useful       Having someone to cook for you,

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