Page 25 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 31
P. 25
The a psychological function of assuaging our
Colonial yearnings for such privilege. Are we getting
what we all deeply yearn for?
Between 2009 and 2012, I was a guest at the
Heritage of Scandinavian country of Norway and lived
for part of that time in the capital, Oslo. In
this very egaritarian society, there is little
a “Master difference in what a member of parliament
earns and what a teacher in a school or even
a city bus driver earns. One goes into politics
Class” because it is a passion and not because there
is any privilege or money in it. As a matter
of fact you can rub shoulders with the Prime
Minister or your member of Parliament in a
supermarket as he/she is personally buying
By: Mukuyu, Kenya. groceries just like you. The Prime minister’s
private house where he lived because he
declined the official government house was
a stone’s throw from our student housing
Having someone to open the gate for you, and it was just like any other house in the
Having someone to cut the fence for you neighborhood. He made headlines once when
Having someone to drive the car for you, he rode to parliament in a bicycle and lost his
Having servants all over you, two security officers who got caught in traffic
is taken as a sign of what they call, “I have in their single simple car.
arrived.” This fascination with servants
and being an overlord is so ingrained in Our traditional society was very similar to
post colonial African consciousness that it this seeming heaven in Scandinavia and
pervades all aspects of our lives. we are only where we are because of the
traumatic heritage of the colonial privilege
Our government, politics, work, religion all class mentality of British colonials and the
have been heavily infected with this societal political class they coached to take over. In 3
disease; a disease that will take a long long generations since the so-called independence
time to completely heal. the effects of this mentality is visibly waning
Why does a man in public service need a and the current generation which is more
retinue of slaves trailing him every which embedded in global egalitarian culture of
way he goes? Why does a Governor of a the World Wide Web cannot anymore accept
County need five chase cars terrorizing meekly to be dictated to by a master class of
other motorists with impunity on the roads? “slave drivers.”
Why is it necessary for civil servants and
representatives to live lives of privilege and Editorial note:
impunity? Could it be that they perform Just recently, the team had a conversation
ISSUE 31 | NOVEMBER 2024 25