Page 11 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 32
P. 11

              African                                                 enough attention to. And I do not

      Spirituality                                                    speak of life as in childbearing, even

                                                                      though it is part of it, but that Spirit
                                                                      or consciousness within every African
                  AND THE                                             that makes them want to accept

                                                                      everyone as part of a spiritual spring
          SACREDNESS                                                  from which the Breath of Life flows
                                                                      and for which we are in tune with
                                                                      defending life both among humans and
              OF UBUNTU                                               in nature. It is the one deeply seated

                                                                      attribute that makes us Africans and
                                                                      it’s from that depth that I want to share

                                                                      my thoughts about African spirituality.

               By: Samuel Phillips                                    I was listening to a short clip where

                                                                      Joshua Maponga was talking about
                                                                      African spirituality. He was making a
               from the unseen realms of the Spirit, except if        very interesting point about how too
               such man has walked beyond the veils of this           many people, in the name of trying

               world and stepped into the spirit realm. We            to interpret African spirituality, have
               may have access to things in the physical that         created more divided and confusing
               come from the spirit realm in tandem with how          definitions and concepts that are
               they are meant to bring us to newer levels of          leading more Africans astray. In that

               understanding to change our lives even as we           video, he defined African spirituality
               journey through this space called Earth, but no        in very simple terms using a statement
               one should boast of the fullness of knowledge,         like when you realize that you as a
               especially if the knowledge was given from             human being in a physical body came

               the unseen realms. That would be pride and a           from the same soil material as the trees
               corruption of the soul which will do more damage       in the forest, and then you understand
               to our communities than the current spiritual          the interconnectivity between man
               ignorance.                                             and nature, then you will begin to

                                                                      understand African spirituality. (my
               Don’t give sacred things to dogs and pigs              paraphrase)

               I have often shared in this magazine that the          In my meditation about what he said,

               one sweet thing that I could relate the culture        it made sense to know that the same
               of Africa to is “LIFE”. The incubation of life         Sacred Breath from the Creator that
               and the ability to nurture life is one foundation      animates and gives life to nature
               of the African culture that we have not paid           (nature is not the Supreme Being) is

                                                                                      ISSUE 32  | DECEMBER  2024  11
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