Page 15 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 32
P. 15


               the foolishness going on in the present-         Everything that carries the Breath of Life

               day church is what Christianity is about, is     has some level of sacredness in it, but
               delusional. And to also think that African       what anyone sees is completely a different
               Spirituality is about going to slaughter goats   discussion. However, seeing the sacredness

               before some old and rusty wooden images          in things, people and places is a mark of a
               is also delusional. Every form of Spiritual      heart that has embraced a journey of self-
               knowledge system is much more than what          discovery and the discovery of Spirit.
               the eyes see. So, we must be humble and in
               awe when we try to deal with things that are     I have watched a few of the late Credo

               beyond the human brain. Until you can see        Mutwa’s videos. He was a Zulu Isanusi.
               clearly, do not try to lead anyone on the path.   Isanusi’s in Zulu spiritual teachings are
                                                                considered spiritual teachers who provide

               Speaking of ancestor worship or the              guidance and wisdom to those seeking it.
               consultation of ancestors, I do not have any     They are seen as some of the highest ranks
               personal issue with anyone practicing that,      in Zulu spirituality. I have watched this old
               it’s a free world. But what I have an issue      man speak on very deep and hidden secrets
               with is the amount of hypocrisy in the mix.      in African spirituality with so much clarity,

               And here is what I mean. There are lots of       knowledge, and humility, but not for once
               Africans talking about ancestors and the         did I hear him belittle anyone or any other
               consulting of ancestral spirits, but many of     spiritual knowledge systems or a different

               them don’t even have cordial relationships       opinion on any subject matter. That’s a man
               with their parents who are still alive. Some     who has understood that life and spirituality
               don’t even see eye to eye. So, I ask, if you     are deeper than what any man can claim
               can’t see eye to eye with your parents when      ownership of.
               they are alive how do you intend to turn the

               table for them to regard your prayers and        In conclusion, life is deeper than what
               consultations when they are dead? Also, if       we think, assume, or even know and so is
               your parents while they were alive were as       spirituality. But Ubuntu in its purest form is

               helpless as you in dealing with everyday         a good cord that can pull all things together
               issues, how come they suddenly become            to form a true community of Africans who
               very powerful when they pass the veil of the     have let go of their pride, prejudices, biases,
               living to the point where you can consult        hurts, assumptions, and presumptions and
               them for help? Especially if they never made     who are ready to change the narrative of the

               a connection to their higher selves when they    African people. We just need to realize that
               were alive. These are just my thoughts and       we all are because we all are and that nature
               they are not meant to undermine what anyone      is a sweet comforter to the weary soul. Let’s

               practices.                                       keep drinking from the fountain of water that
                                                                flows from the Supreme.
               What do you see?

                                                                                      ISSUE 32  | DECEMBER  2024  15
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