Page 17 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 32
P. 17


               in the modern mask, I was able to

               breathe and remember who I am,

               “AbaNtu baphila isiNtu.
               Ngaphandle kwalokho akukho
               (“An African person, lives an              By: Fezeka Mkhabela,
               African way of life. Apart from that,

               there is no living.”)                      South Africa

               “Umu-Ntu” is a person of African

               descent. Our ancestors called fellow    As spiritual beings, abaNtu we understand that we
               African people (Black people) aba-      are of spirit and soul before we are of flesh – the
               Ntu. People of different descents       human experience thus is a journey of reconnecting
               such as Europeans were Abe-lungu        to our soul through many different paths so we may
               or Indians were ama-Ndiya and           complete the work we have been called to do.

               so forth. Therefore, when we refer
               to “abaNtu,” it means a person of       Our ancestors believed that we all are born with a life
               African descent, and our way of life    purpose. This purpose is not to simply go to school,

               called isiNtu means the traditions,     work, pay taxes, and die as we have been programmed
               customs, and spiritual beliefs lived    to believe. This purpose is aligned with healing
               by people of African descent. Even      yourself, your family, your lineage, clan, or nation.
               the widely used proverb of Ubuntu       In our ancient traditions, it was known from birth and
               that says, “UmuNtu ngumuNtu             we spent our lives living according to our purpose.

               ngabaNtu” means that Africans           Continuous practice of realignment with our centre
               become true Africans when they          helps us to navigate this path and ultimately our lives
               unite and work together.                here on earth. However, the world of today misaligns

                                                       us with this truth. Instead, we spend a lifetime chasing
               I once read a passage by Malidoma       after things outside of our centre; outside of isi-Ntu to
               Somè and he wrote, “When we             find meaning.
               are born, we move away from the
               centre. When we are adults we walk      I believe most people have a horrible misconception

               further and further away from it.       of isiNtu (ancient African tradition). Many believe
               Without the centre, we cannot tell      that Africa was dark and barbaric before colonisation
               who we are, where we are or where       including most Black people. I have never accepted

               we are going. The centre is both        this message and as a result, I always questioned it
               within and without.”                    as a child and my soul was pleased to find out the
                                                       opposite was true:

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