Page 18 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 32
P. 18
● AbaNtu (Africans) lived in alignment
with nature because we are of nature and we
return to nature. Being in alignment with
the sun, moon phases, seasons, and animals
helped us to survive. That is why spending
time in nature today is healing to us.
● AbaNtu honoured women, and
women honoured themselves as our cultures
were matrilineal because women have the
divine responsibility of continuing the life
● AbaNtu believed that in the life we
have been given; first, we are to protect
and second to take only what we need from
Mother Earth.
● AbaNtu believed in one God, uMdali
‘the creator’ who has seven different aspects.
● AbaNtu believed that we work in
alignment with the spiritual realm using The world of today would have us believe
natural herbs, medicines, and elements to that everything purely African should be
help heal ourselves, and our families and looked down upon and as a consequence
help us navigate ahead in the journey we call of this we unknowingly look down upon
ourselves. The true reason for this is because
the deeper you collide with the teachings of
An orange seed will never grow into an apple Ntu ancestors, the deeper you move away
tree, so similarly the authentic version of from chasing the desires manufactured by
yourself as umuNtu will never come from the material world that destroy our mental,
anything outside of you but rather he/she will physical and spiritual well-being. As umuNtu
arise from within you. The authentic version the longer you exist in a world that does not
of yourself won’t be a copy of what you see resemble isiNtu, the more your soul will
on television or social media; it will never be push you to recreate one that does, and most
someone you have been taught to be through of us are disconnected from this level of
imperialist institutions such as a classroom or consciousness.
a church hall.
| we tell the true afrikan story