Page 14 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 32
P. 14


               and Truth means, a physical manifestation        cannot build his house with materials that are

               of that which is in the spirit. Our world is in   toxic to him and the environment. He cannot
               a massive misalignment because the spirit        allow injustice or anything that takes life out
               reality and the physical reality of most people   of others or the environment. He is indeed

               are out of alignment. Imagine what the life of   called Alkebulan the Mother of Mankind and
               Jeremiah would have been like if there was       a true life-giver. So, until we begin to see and
               a disconnect between who he was before he        practice the African culture from this point of
               was formed in his mother’s womb and who          truth in alignment with spirit, we may really
               he found himself being when he was born.         be far from what it means to be Africans.

               This here, is the problem of the entire world.
               The misalignment of Spirit and Truth.            I have listened to many Africans who, in
               So, African spirituality takes into sacred       their quest to speak for African Spirituality,

               cognizance how man is connected to nature        come at it from very childish and prideful
               because the human body comes from the            attitudes. They speak in your face telling you
               same material as that of nature, but there       that you cannot be an African if you are not
               is a higher realm from where it all became       professing the embrace of African spirituality
               what we see. Spirit and Truth must thus work     like they do or if you don’t engage in the

               together for true spirituality to be achieved.   worship of ancestors or the other various
               But this must begin with how we see, hear,       things they talk about. But it just shows they
               and judge things or people.                      have no real understanding of what they are

                                                                talking about and they are not speaking from
               Truth is culture                                 personal spiritual experiences. They read too
               Truth is the physical reality of Spirit, while   many books and watch too many YouTube
               culture is the day-to-day application of         videos on African Spirituality and then try
               truth. A man’s truth should determine his        to impose things on people without a single

               way of life, which is the same thing as          spiritual experience of their own. How do
               his culture. Africa or Alkebulan as names        you impose on someone else what you have
               find their purpose and meaning within the        never experienced yourself? Is that not how

               context of a life-giving Spirit. This is why     charlatans do their business? And I say this
               both Africa and Alkebulan, as names, are         because you cannot undermine other people’s
               “MOTHERHOOD” in nature and essence.              spiritual experiences or journeys just so you
               Thus, an African person who has understood       validate what you are saying. It’s childish
               this spiritual essence must live out the culture   thinking.

               of life daily. His daily lifestyle will not allow
               the eating of junk food because such foods       You cannot say an African can’t profess
               have no life in them. He cannot plant crops      Christianity or any other form of Spiritual

               with poisonous chemicals because it kills        Knowledge System and also be an African.
               life and biodiversity. He cannot eat or plant    Mind you I did not say religion, I said
               GMO foods because it has no life in it. He       Spiritual Knowledge Systems. To think that

                 |   we tell the true afrikan story
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