Page 12 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 32
P. 12


               also the Sacred Breath that gives life and       it agriculture, architecture, medicine, family

               animates the human person and every other        life, sex, animal husbandry, knowledge
               thing that exists in our known planet. But       creation and sharing, etc.
               what this means is that Ubuntu or let me

               say “Umuntu ngumuntu ngabantu”, which            It is also true that even though in the physical
               means “I am because you are” does not exist      interpretation of things, man cannot do
               as a life philosophy only in the relationship    without nature but nature can do without
               between humans and fellow humans but             man, however, the Ubuntu reality between
               also in the relationship between humans and      man and nature cannot be overemphasized

               nature.                                          and should be upheld at every point. But this
                                                                awe for the sanctity of life and the sacredness
               Take this simple example for instance, it is     of BEING and the Ubuntu between humans

               the carbon dioxide that humans and animals       and nature is what the European invaders
               eject that plants take in to create food and     destroyed when they came to the continent.
               then give off the oxygen we breathe in for       They love and embrace fear, death,
               life. That interconnection alone creates a       destruction, and control, and thus anything
               deep meaning to the concept of Ubuntu            that carries life in it and can stop their mad

               among humans and Ubuntu among humans             rage for control is destroyed. Killed. They
               and nature and it is sacred. This inner          have no respect for life and the sacredness
               gratitude and connection to the sacredness       of things, people, and places. Gripped by an

               and the sanctity of the Breath of Life in each   unholy fear of annihilation of their race, they
               and everything that exists is what creates the   make a mockery of anything that does not
               foundation for African Spirituality. It is what   look like them. And this is not some made-up
               informed ancient Africans when to plant their    thought, it’s where the concept of racism and
               crops, how to plant them, and how to harvest     white supremacy came from.

               and store crops both for food and medicine.
               It is this Knowledge System (African             It is true that Ubuntu loosely translates to
               Spirituality) that teaches them how to relate    mean ‘I am because we are”, but I think

               to natural phenomena like rain, lightning,       the opposite is also true. “I am not because
               a flood from a river that has overrun its        we are not.” This other side of Ubuntu is
               banks, how to build their homes, and what        one of the very deep issues that all Africans
               shapes and patterns are allowed for the free     across the globe are going through at various
               movement of Air/Breath, what to do when          levels of their lives. What I am because of

               the animals in the community are dying for       the input of all of us is great, but we also
               no clear reason, etc. Spirituality to them was   need to pay attention to what we are unable
               a wholeness of knowledge made available to       to manifest because some among us just do

               them within the time frame of their existence    not want to rise to the occasion. So, we fail
               and beyond and how this knowledge system         by disassociation instead of succeeding by
               intertwines in every aspect of their lives, be   Ubuntu. We need to correct this.

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