Page 103 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 5
P. 103


          ago in my primary  school En-      cerely,  I  too  have dumped reli-
          glish class.                       gion for something more practi-
          We certainly live in a fast paced   cal and critical in nature. So my
          world right now and sometimes      angle won’t be from religious
          I wonder where people are run-     thoughts. Permit me to interpret
          ning to and what is making them    that verse of scripture in a little
          run.  The matatu (public  bus)     more down to  earth way.  See
          driver is in such a hurry to pick   it this way "of what gain is it to
          the next set of passengers at the   chase  and gather  the things  of
          very next bus stop just a few me-  this world and lose your ability
          ters ahead and he doesn’t seem     to stop and see with critical eyes
          to care if he is driving careless-  what you are becoming  while
          ly or not. He is blind to the oth-  chasing them." Many people are
          er road  users  around  him. The   already soulless even while still
          company board of directors is in   very alive  on earth.  They have   Simple living is possible
                                                                                Life in its simplest form is pos-
          such a hurry to meet their year-   lost the ability to stop and think
                                                                                sible and it’s beautiful. Money is
          ly target that they really  don’t   about what they have become,
                                                                                not the root of evil I must say. It is
          care what the state of their staff   what they are becoming and
                                                                                the love and the desire for what
          health is like, until someone      what they are making others be-
                                                                                money can buy that births evil. It
          collapses  in exhaustion.  The     come for their selfish sakes and
                                                                                is the love and desire to live be-
          church too has joined the  race    agendas.  They are so caught
                                                                                yond one's means that births all
          to gather more people  but for-    up with life that they have for-
                                                                                manner of ideas to make more
          got the admonition  of  the Lord   gotten how to be human. They
                                                                                money and thus more debts and
          for the proper feeding of the few   have become robots, batteries
                                                                                compromises of all sorts set in.
          through  accurate discipleship.    to keep this failing system of
                                                                                It is ok to have the good things in
          Recently, I heard that the global   the world going. I cry for such,
                                                                                life, but it is not ok to live like life
          debt is about 217 trillion dollars.   because they have already lost
                                                                                will not end some day.
          Then I asked myself, who is this   their souls and they just can't
          unknown  entity that the entire    stop to check. It  is a soulless
          globe owes such a huge amount      man that  will boast of  having    Cut your cost of living
                                                                                This is not just about cutting
          of money? I still don’t have an    five title deeds to various prop-
                                                                                your daily spending  in order
          answer yet. Or could it be that,   erties, while living in the midst
                                                                                to live within your means and
          just as Jesus spoke about the      of a thousand families who have
                                                                                avoiding debts, it is about stop-
          ruler of this world that the glob-  no shelter over their heads. It is
          al debt is owed to this world’s    a soulless government that  will   ping to check what you are be-
                                                                                coming while you live your dai-
          ruler?  Just my thoughts and       certify poisonous  foreign  phar-
                                                                                ly life. For as a man thinks, so
          musings, but musings I pray will   maceutical products that  will
                                                                                is he. As he continues to think,
          make someone stop and check        certainly kill or maim its people,
                                                                                so he remains. We are what we
          his or her cost of living.         just for the sake of foreign mon-
                                             ey and aid. It is a soulless secu-  constantly engage our hearts to
                                                                                do and chase after daily. What
          What is cost of living?            rity officer that will turn his eyes
          Yes, I began this article by talking   away from child prostitution just   will it cost you in eternity and in
          about how people spend mon-        because he has been paid with      posterity for the life you are liv-
          ey for things  they mostly don’t   foreign currency to do so. How     ing right now?
          need, but my overall thought is    soul dead can we be really be as
          actually deeper than that. I think   humans against other humans?     Stop and check.
          my thought is captured in the
          words of Jesus when He said
          "what shall it profit a man if he
          gains the whole world and  los-
          es his soul?”  I know there are
          people that don't want to get re-
          ligious especially as it relates to
          the scripture I just quoted. Sin-

                                           heal . restore . rebirth .  Afrika   |    103
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