Page 102 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 5
P. 102


                                                                                  "Of what use is it really to
                                                                                   buy the things you really
                                                                                   don't need with the mon-
                                                                                    ey you really dont have,
                                                                                    just so you can impress
                                                                                   those that really may not
                                                                                        be looking at you?. "


         SIMPLE: Check your cost of living

         Samuel Phillips

                    f what use is it really   few friends about what is real in   heads. But my question always
                    to buy the things you    real estate, but none has given    is this, why do so much to keep
                    really don’t need with   me  an answer yet.  So  I  guess   a dying narrative going on? It
         Omoney you really don’t             maybe there is no answer, and      doesn’t make sense to me and
          have, just  so  you can impress    if that is the case, then it must   neither do I find wisdom in it at
          those that may not even  be        be either that it’s a make believe   all. Am I against the good things
          looking at you? It does not make   estate or the people  who de-      in life? Heavens, no! Should
          any sense to me. Of what use       pend on it are not telling them-   people not expand their frontiers
          is it to live in a fine house, got-  selves the truth.                in what they do?  Absolutely,
          ten through mortgage to be paid    This article actually is not about   they should. But what exactly do
          over the next thirty years of your   real estate as it were, but about   we spend time expanding and
          life, just so that you make your-  the realness of living within one's   towards what end do we do so
          self feel like you own a house or   means in relation to purpose.     much; especially  when  nothing
          a landed property? Wisdom is       Life has never been about com-     really lasts forever in this world.
          certainly  deeper  than that and   petition  of  who  gets  what  first   One  man's  PhD  certificate  is
          life also is certainly worth more   or any such thing. Life is simply   someone else's tinder for  light-
          than looking over your shoul-      about  living  in accordance with   ing the Jiko (Coal Pot), the fine
          ders to see if your creditors are   purpose and the various pro-      Land Rover of yesterday has
          after you.                         visions  given  from God to ful-   become a towing van today and
          Some say it's about the trending   fill  such  purpose.  People  have   the trend has not changed and
          middle class boom, but I say it’s   gotten into untold debts, which   will not likely do so.
          about the new noose around the     have led to broken relationships,
          necks of unsuspecting  people      battered friendships  and they     Stop and take a look
          who think real estate is really    have gone through painful expe-    There is a saying that you should
          their friend. What is real in real   riences just to keep life going on   look before you leap. I believe I
          estate anyway? I have asked a      according to the fantasy in their   first heard that line many years

          102   |   heal . restore . rebirth .  Afrika
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