Page 97 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 5
P. 97
A look at the Afrikan brotherhood
Several people we have inter-
WE WERE AFRIKANS LONG BEFORE WE WERE viewed for Msingi Afrika Mag-
EVER DIVIDED TO BECOME CITIZENS OF ANY azine have spoken about the
AFRIKAN COUNTRY. WE CANNOT CONTINUE TO changing Afrikan culture and
LIVE LIkE ENEMIES. WE MUST EMBRACE what is being lost. They have
LOVE AND BROTHERHOOD shared with us from their own
experiences how their parents
would often take in or support
other children or families who
ith all the foolishness her café and that no one should had less than they had, and so
and western thinking go hungry. US$50 can bring so
they grew up knowing that where
Wthat Afrikans and Afri- much relief to one’s monthly bill
there was a need, it was to be
kan leaders have imbibed over that I understood and even en- met by those who had greater
time, stories of true compassion vied (God forgive me) the ten- supply. It wasn’t something one
and brotherhood are reducing ants of a person whose heart of struggled with; it was something
in number. Like the recent one compassion was evidently more
that one simply was. In their na-
where a landlord in Kenya was powerful than the dictates of
ture. This behavior was modeled
hailed by his tenants on social business. Trust me other land- sufficiently across Afrika for peo-
media for lowering rent by about lords are not currently displaying ple to have this same trait or the
US$50 per month for the next 12 the same heart. And a meal in same experience in common
months due to harsh economic time can provide much needed
whenever they sat in interna-
times, or a lady who offered on relief to one who is facing chal-
tional spheres to talk about ‘life
social media, a meal to anyone lenges in life. Well-placed and back home’. In fact it is said that
in her neighborhood who is go- well-timed acts of kindness are Afrikan community abroad is
ing without food. She said she is a form of brotherhood that are stronger than on the continent
not rich but food can be found in rapidly reducing in Afrika. heal . restore . rebirth . Afrika | 97