Page 95 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 5
P. 95


          vision and look to  God.  Know-    are already in our hands (hoes)    receive. In many cases this has
          ing “His all sufficiency” shatters   Exodus 4:2                       been solely used as a scripture
          any dependency  we may have                                           to promote the giving  of tithes
          on man or governments or aid       Biblical  key number four is       and offerings, but it was actu-
          organizations  or  financial  insti-  what you sow, you will reap.    ally referring to all areas of life.
          tutions. All of  these are merely   Afrika has been called the beg-   If one looks at God’s outlook on
          temporal and will pass away, but   ging bowl of the world and I       our work or labor, His word says
          God  is  eternal.  God’s  all  suffi-  believe  that God is turning this   “Whoever works his land will
          ciency allows us to be free from   around so that the begging bowl    have plenty of bread, but he who
          any yoke.                          can be transformed into a bread    follows  worthless pursuits will
          One of the greatest limitations    basket.  As believers  we have     have  plenty  of poverty.” Prov-
          in turning to Farming God's Way    been mandated in the  Word to      erbs 28:19. This is a matter of
          is  actually the  mind of  man.  It   give to the poor, but we need to   principle; if we do not work then
          sets the boundaries of progress    use wisdom in our giving and       we will be poor. In farming there
          and  opportunity. Farmers need     not perpetuate the dependency      is no greater  example  of this
          to have their minds  renewed,      syndrome. Many communities         principle  where we continually
          to  believe that  they  can actu-  are living in areas that have no   need to be giving and sowing
          ally succeed.  They need to be     opportunities  for any develop-    in order to reap a harvest. We
          taught the spiritual,  manage-     ment but they continue  to stay    need to sow our seed, fertilizer
          ment and technical aspects of      there because of the handouts      and other inputs, labor,  time,
          Farming  God's Way, and  that      they receive. God’s way is that    management  and capital if we
          God  is the  one who brings the    people should develop accord-      are to  receive  a  harvest.  Often
          rain and the increase. We have     ing to His principles  where  He   farmers are at great risk due to
          to believe that God has indeed     rewards based on sowing and        the fact that they have to give so
          given US the ability to create     reaping, on stewardship and be-    much, with so many unforeseen
          wealth.   Deuteronomy     8:18.    ing  faithful  with what you  have   variables continually at play. Yet
          God’s all sufficiency is evident in   been entrusted with. Acts 20:35.   this in no way should  limit the
          the farming Gods Way practices     Once we understand that God is     giving or sowing farmers do, but
          of  using Gods  Blanket (mulch)    our source and that His all suf-   rather encourage them to have
          on the farms, using ready avail-   ficiency  is  truly  available  to  us,   more faith in God.
          able inputs like manure, com-      we can look at giving our way
          post, open  pollinated  seeds      out of dependency and into His     Giving back to God is the 5th
          (which can be replanted year in    promise.  The solution then is     Biblical  principle  of  Farming
          year out) and use of tools which   that we need to give in order to   God’s Way.

                                           heal . restore . rebirth .  Afrika   |    95
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