Page 94 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 5
P. 94
ers who love Him with all of their ern’) farming methods on how ficiency is the third key in
hearts, mind and strength. to grow food will be subjected farming God’s way.
to what God shows us and Him 2 Corinthians 9:8. In many plac-
We will now look at 6 biblical only. es in Afrika a culture of depen-
keys to help us understand why dency has entrenched itself on
yokes of bondage and poverty The second biblical key is to the poor. Western nations and
are given power and place and Consider Your Ways. NGOs have been providing re-
also how to break free from Haggai 1:2-11 Consider your lief food, fertilizers and other in-
them: ways-My temple lies desolate. puts year after year and some
The temples of our lives are in of the farmers have come to de-
The first biblical key is to ruins because we have been pend on this. They do not make
acknowledge God and God serving our own selfish ambi- much effort to grow their own
alone. tions and not walking in God’s food because they know once
Globally, practices like witch- ways. We are the children of there’s drought, relief food will
craft, ancestral worship, idola- God and we are His temple, so come. Some even end up sell-
try, exploitation, oppression, the state of our temple is im- ing the fertilizers and planting
wickedness, forsaking the or- portant to Him. When people seeds instead of using them on
dinances of God result in His live lives that are not aligned their farms. Governments some-
displeasure and make room to God’s ways they may come times also use the relief food as
for curses to take hold both on under various curses. In Hag- a tool to coerce people to vote
the people and on the land. Af- gai the Lord says that because for them. This further tightens
rika is no exception. One solu- His temple is in ruins He will call the buckle of the yoke of pov-
tion to this problem in Afrika is for a drought on the land and erty around the people’s necks.
found in Proverbs 3:5-6. ‘Trust mountains and grains and what- Large sums of money have
in the Lord with all your heart ever the ground brings forth. It is been used by governments and
and do not lean on your own therefore of utmost importance NGOs but it has not brought
understanding. In all your ways to us as farmers to consider our lasting change to most places.
acknowledge Him, and He will ways, change our own lives and Since the beginning of man’s
make your paths straight’. If we thus influence the lives of our creation, he has always tried to
truly do this it means we will families and communities which be self-sufficient, doing things
consult God and God alone in collectively can make a signifi- his own way, relying on his own
all areas of our lives, farming in- cant difference. wisdom rather than following the
cluded. This means that ancient Lord’s wisdom. The solution is to
and even conventional (‘mod- Understanding God’s All Suf- stop depending on man for pro-
94 | heal . restore . rebirth . Afrika