Page 99 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 5
P. 99


                                             it calling to Him, crying for jus-  that we each raise the other up
                                             tice that came from the animal     to the positions and places that
                                             nature in Cain that had arisen.    God has in mind for us, regard-
                                             So  here’s  the thing.  Afrikan    less of personal cost and with-
      In modern day Afrika, it               brotherhood is  not  a  natural    out seeking  personal  glory. It

      is more common to film                 phenomenon.  Let’s just start      has become a culture almost
                                             there. It is not natural to die so   alien to the  Afrikan landscape
      people being beaten to
                                             that someone else can live. No.    because  of an erosion  of our
      death or stripped na-                  Afrikan brotherhood, while in-     connection to the One Who de-
      ked and to post these                  herent to us, collapses  in the    fines us and because of taking
      videos  on  social  media              face of certain disaster. What     up and embracing the culture
                                             I’m trying to get you to under-    of  Babylon (Capitalism) which
      – instead of intervening
                                             stand is that with the erosion     runs completely  counter  to our
      in the senseless murder                of our connection to God, there    divine nature. When we started
      to both  protect the life              has been a  concomitant  ero-      basing every  one of  our inter-
                                             sion  of our cultural  connection.   actions on “What’s in it for me?”
      of the one under assault
                                             It’s the same erosion of culture   and “How much are you going to
      or the soul  of the one                that the Jews experienced that     pay me?” we lost hold of “Who
      tempted into murder                    Jesus took the time to explain     am I in God?”, “What’s my divine

      and cover the shame of                 using the parable  about the       purpose?” and “No matter what
                                             Good Samaritan.  They dared        it costs me, I will do what God
      the abused.
                                             ask Him, ‘Who is my neighbor?’     wants.” We became instead like
                                             So Jesus characteristically used   animals, scrabbling around to fill
                                             a Samaritan as an example just     our bellies, not caring who dies
                                             to pour hot coals on their heads.   or lacks or is left by the wayside
          more day. I say this to explain to   Samaritans were most despised    to  die.  We forgot our “We”  in
          you that whichever decision you    by the Jews, yet Jesus used the    pursuit of an “I” … and that was
          make, a consequence  follows       deeds of this man in tending to    never  God’s intended  purpose.
          that you alone have to live with.   his neighbor  who  had  been  at-  We must return to our place or
          However, once the dark night       tacked and wounded by thieves      else continue to lose joy, peace,
          was over,  we  both found hope     and neglected by a Priest and a    righteousness and our true spir-
          in the new day that God would      Levite, both supposed servants     itual heritage: Our inheritance in
          make ways for us… and He did.      of God and  representatives of     Christ.
          Keep in mind ‘whatever you did     the highest standard of living.    We must lift our Afrikan brothers
          for the least of these’ and Prov-  Keep in mind that this man who     up.
          erbs 3:27 and James 2:15-17.       was injured was probably not a
          When God  asked Cain where         Samaritan himself, meaning that
          his brother, Abel, was and Cain    he would probably have subject-
          answered,  “Am I my brother’s      ed his rescuer to some form of
          keeper?” Cain was saying to        discriminatory treatment (think
          His Maker that  he,  Cain, was     racism) on a regular day, mak-       WHAT MUST WE DO
          not responsible  for the welfare   ing this Samaritan a person of
          or the outcomes of his brother’s   great exception to have handled    Just maybe we need  to begin  to relook
          life. He was saying to God that    his care with such compassion.     what makes us Afrikans. We need to un-
          he, Cain, had no regard for hu-    The Jews had become separat-       derstand that to be Afrikan is a divine privi-
          man life, had no regard for the    ed from their God and had lost     lege that we must not undermine.
          brotherhood and fellowship that    their sense of brotherhood and     Can we take time out to truly understand
          God had created when He made       family and compassion. In short,   why it is easy to welcome a white man into
          them Cain and Abel.  This was      it has happened before.            our country but criminalize an Afrikan?
          contrary to how God designed       Afrikan brotherhood  is a spir-    To be good is not difficult, it just takes a
          him. Cain was denying his god-     itual reality.  It  comes from our   little act  of  kindness, compassion, love
          ly nature. God could smell his     connection  to God and awak-       and mindfulness. The world is full of evil
          brother’s blood and could hear     ens in us the innate desire that   already, do not add to it.
                                             was put in us by God to ensure

                                           heal . restore . rebirth .  Afrika   |    99
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