Page 96 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 5
P. 96
Giving wherever one’s leading blessing on our crops and fami- to a whole hearted change to Farm-
is to give is actually a giving lies even in desperate times. We ing God's Way will be fully revealed
back to God. God really doesn’t stake our claim as sons of God within 5 years. He has the ability to
need our increase or wealth, but by taking Jesus into every area speed up the process and supernatu-
it shows Him where our hearts of our lives. Jesus taught us to rally restore the fertility and we need
lie as we acknowledge Him first pray “let your Kingdom come to be asking for this process by faith.
in our giving. Matthew 6:21 “for on earth even as it in heaven.” Ask for His blessing in rainfall, sun-
where your treasure is, there Staking your claim starts with shine and protection from pests, dis-
your heart will be also.” Giving humility in Gods face. Humility is ease and fire.
of our treasure to Him, demon- acknowledging that God’s ways These are the six biblical principles
strates our hearts toward Him are superior to ours and that of Farming Gods Way. Next time we
and our faith in His provision. He we have been mistaken. This shall learn about the technological
is less interested in the amount is such a powerful tool to tear principles.
or percentage, than in our heart down the curse and should nev-
attitude in giving back to Him. er be underestimated. Humbling
After all, He is the source of all ourselves before Him and not
things that are good in our lives coming in with ranting and rav-
and is the owner of it all anyway. ing will allow us to hear what He
He has provided everything we wants us to do. A physical sign
have and own and we are sim- of this humility is to get on one’s
ply stewarding His resources. hands and knees and to take the
This mindset helps to give to soil in your hands as you pray
God freely, without any percent- over it. Many farmers do not ask
age calculation required. God for rain before they com-
plain about not having enough
Stake your claim. (Place a de- rain. There has to be a regional
mand) is the last key. drought declaration before farm-
Most Bible scholars would know ers actually come together and
and understand the incredible ask God for His blessing and
importance of prayer and spiri- rainfall. Matthew 7:7 “Jesus said
tual warfare; however only a few ask and it shall be given you.”
apply it in a real and tangible James 4:2. “You do not have
way. The Lord has given this tool because you do not ask.” God
to His children, for us to be able desires for us to come and ask
to exercise our spiritual authority of Him, even although He knows
in all spheres of life, so that the what we will ask before we ask
Kingdom of God may be firmly Him. In so doing we acknowl-
established. James 5:14 “The edge His divine power, sover-
effective prayer of a righteous eignty and authority over all
man can accomplish much.” He things. This too is an act of wor-
rules all things. Jesus has been ship. How should we pray then?
given all authority in heaven We must repent for our pride,
and earth, but unfortunately we where we have been “leaning on
have also been given free will to our own understanding‟ by doing
choose who we want to be on farming man’s way for so many
the throne of our lives, our fami- years, and not acknowledging
lies, our homes, our fields, our or even considering that He had
communities and our nations. a way we should do things. Ask
We should be taking God into Him to heal the soil. Yes it can
all areas of our lives including be done. Soil can change color,
our farms. We can talk with Him fertility and consistency in just 2
about our problems on the farm years but most of the full benefit
and pray and ask Him for His
96 | heal . restore . rebirth . Afrika