Page 93 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 5
P. 93


              GREEN HANDS

           Biblical Keys To


          Nicholas Munyororo

                                                                                tainable solutions to both living
          In the  last article we  saw  how   3) Clothe the naked
                                                                                and farming  and consists of 3
          God inspired  Brian Oldreive to    4) Do  not hide your eyes from
                                                                                spheres – Spiritual, Technology
          practice farming God’s Way. The    the plight of others
          farming God’s way concept was      5) Stop the pointing of the finger   and Management.
          later  developed into  a tool that   6) Stop the speaking of wicked-
                                                                                The Spiritual sphere speaks
          is now used  to teach farmers      ness
                                                                                right into the heart of the prob-
          everywhere, using the founding     7) Give yourself to the hungry
                                                                                lem and unveils biblical  truths
          scripture of Isaiah 58. In verse   8) Satisfy the desire  of the af-
          six of this chapter, God reveals   flicted                            as to why the land is under a
          what the  true  fast  is….to  loos-                                   curse and  the poor  under  the
                                                                                yoke of poverty. The technologi-
          en, undo, free and break every     The same  chapter  describes
                                                                                cal element demonstrates the
          yoke.                              God’s  true  fast  for  His people
                                                                                practical  principles  of Farming
                                             who are called by His name,
          Practically how do we, as God’s    which  is to see the oppressed     God’s Ways in order to usher in
          people,  loosen, remove and        go free. Farming God’s Way as      the redemption of the land. The
                                                                                management  element  speaks
          break the yoke and let the op-     a training  tool, was  developed
                                                                                into some of the traditions and
          pressed go free?                   with the intention alleviating the
                                                                                strongholds of  the mind, giv-
                                             yoke of poverty in Afrika starting
          1) Divide  your bread  with the    first  with  the  spiritual  yoke  and   ing practical steps for the poor
          hungry                             then dealing with the physical.    to  make  a  profit.  God’s  desire
                                                                                is to see communities of farm-
          2) Shelter the homeless            As a training tool it delivers at-

                                           heal . restore . rebirth .  Afrika   |    93
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