Page 92 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 5
P. 92


                    ne of the most impor-    bility was accurately responding   ble for our mandates?
                    tant attributes of Je-   to those responsibilities?  For ex-  Imagine a  situation where  ev-
                    sus,  whose character    ample, you hear an Afrikan pres-   eryone on earth, in Afrika, in the
         Otraits we look at in this          ident say he is not able  to de-   work place, in the family, in the
          column, is responsibility.  Every   liver on his promise to his nation   business place, in the  church,
          man given a purpose, a job or      after six years of being elected,   in the mosque, in government is
          a position  automatically has      because of the supposed failure    responsible and accountable for
          been given a responsibility to     of the past administration. How    their positions and mandates.
          take care of. It is a natural thing   on earth is that even an excuse?   How many lives have been lost
          that comes with purpose and        It doesn’t make any sense. Be-     to disease because some scien-
          positions.  However, how each      ing elected as President means,    tist somewhere decided to play
          responds to the responsibility in   you are ready to both give solu-  irresponsible  games with vac-
          those positions  will  determine   tions to the problems you inher-   cines? How many lives have
          what level of  success they  will   ited and the problems that come   been  lost to terrorism because
          come out with.                     with your own administration.      some army officer or some se-
          We have a situation in our hands   Otherwise, you have  no busi-      curity agents decided  that the
          in Afrika, where people  run for   ness leading a country.            lives  of innocent citizens who
          positions  in government, posi-                                       they are paid  to protect were
          tions in business, positions in    This issue of accurate response    not worth more than the brown
          church leadership, positions in    to responsibility  brings  us to   envelop  they collected  in their
          family and every other area of     something important.  What  is     shady deals? How many trillions
          life where positions are open, but   your mandate?                    of dollars has Afrika lost in the
          are not effective in their positions   No one can be responsible  for   last sixty years because  some
          because of lack of responsibility   a mandate they are not even       humans in positions of authority
          to that which they are mandated    aware of,  nor  can anyone  give   decided that Afrika must not go
          with.  There are all manner of     account for that which is not en-  forward, so they used their posi-
          weird  things  going  on in every   trusted to their hands. Concern-  tions for personal gain? The list
          area of  our society and almost    ing Jesus, it is written thus "He   is endless.
          all the time you don't get to see   who sins is of the devil, for the
          those responsible for such areas   devil has sinned from the begin-   We  all are responsible  for  ev-
          of society actually take respon-   ning. For  this purpose the Son    erything we have been given as
          sibility. This has been the case   of God was manifested, that        mandates  and callings.  Afrika
          for years since independence in    He might  destroy  the  works  of   is like a huge building  whose
          Afrika. With position  comes re-   the devil.” 1 John 3:8 (bold ital-  parts are in the hands of various
          sponsibility, and also I think re-  ics mine). Clearly this was one   people. The irresponsible act of
          sponsibility can only work when    of Christ's mandates, to destroy   one part will  certainly  drag the
          men are accountable  for every     the  works  of  the  devil through   whole into backwardness. We
          decision they make while carry-    the death of the cross. And from   must take personal responsibil-
          ing out their responsibility.      all indications, He was respon-    ity for our mandates. We must
          I read somewhere that responsi-    sible  for that mandate  and He    take responsibility for our moth-
          bility means responding to your    finished  it.  He  didn't  stop  even   erland  called  Afrika. We must
          ability. This totally makes sense,   when He was faced with the       not allow irresponsible  leaders
          especially when responsibility is   pain of impending torture and     to make jokes out of our collec-
          the test of your ability to handle   death, He still said to His Father   tive destiny.  We must hold ev-
          that  which is  given to  you to   who gave Him the mandate "not      eryone in position  accountable
          take care of. Everyone is cut out   My will but Yours be done". He    for their decisions. Should Afrika
          somehow  by divine  providence     showed  us that every mandate      not have emancipated by now?
          to handle whatever is placed be-   we are given  must come with
          fore them.                         its own test of strength to see    Think about it.
                                             it through  and  also  how  to re-
          What is your mandate?              spond to that test.
          What would Afrika look like if ev-
          eryone in a position of responsi-  What if we all were responsi-

          92   |   heal . restore . rebirth .  Afrika
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