Page 101 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 5
P. 101


          in helping restore life to the then
          barren  landscape.  Out  of  26    Dr. Haller  and his  team also
          plants, only 3 survived, and out   planted hundreds of indigenous
          of those  three,  the  Casuarina   plants then monkeys, birds and
          was selected.                      insects  moved  into the  now
          During a tour  of the  park and    habitable  area  and  eventually
          Butterfly  Pavilion  at  the  Nature   Dr.  Haller  introduced Oryx  and
          Trails many years ago, I was told   eland which were adapted to the
          that one of the challenges they    harsh climate.
          faced was that  there was no
          ground cover that  could allow     Over time  Haller  Park  also  be-
          the soil to retain water. The Ca-  came home  to  orphaned  ani-
          suarina is naturally designed to   mals and animals displaced by
          withstand  hardship  because of    flooding,  and  grew  into  an  in-
          its narrow leaves, which also fall   teresting attraction - shelter for
          to the ground when dry and form    the animals on one hand which
          a protective layer on the ground,   was funded by the curiosity and
          preventing  excessive  moisture    interest  of nature  enthusiasts   raculous cycle of regeneration..." It
          loss.  This  allows  the  ground   and students, on the other. One    goes on to say that, "Man had tak-
          some much-needed time to heal      can now feed giraffes pellets by   en life from the land. But now man
          and transform.                     hand or observe Oryx and Hippo     had used nature to return it."
                                             feeding side by side as the play-
          But,  these  leaves/needles  were   ful, opportunistic  Vervet  mon-  A few  weeks  ago, I  watched  a
          seemingly  indestructible;  noth-  keys snatch up the tasty snacks,   neighbor's  hired  grader, destroy
          ing seemed to be able to break     and stuff their cheeks with them.   rock and  plant  life  that  had  been
          them down. And then  one day,      Those are probably the healthi-    there for who knows how long... in
          Dr. Haller  happened  upon one     est monkeys in Mombasa, with       just a few minutes. Man's capacity
          of those delightfully large black   the easiest food supply there is.  to destroy and uproot in the name
          millipedes,  chomping away  at                                        of  profit  has  been  tremendous.  If
          the leaves. The combination of     According to the Haller Founda-    only more of us had the hunger and
          it eating the leaves and leaving   tion website, Haller Park is now   desire to return to practices  that
          behind  its  waste,  allowed the   "home  to a  million  trees,  mon-  actually are regenerative in nature.
          leaves  to be  broken  down into   keys, birds and insects. 30 spe-   If only more of us acted on that
          material  that  could be  used  by   cies identified by the Internation-  hunger and desire. We can change
          other plant life to grow. Dr. Haller   al Union for the Conservation of   things. We just need to actually get
          brought  in  hundreds  of these    Nature  (IUCN)  as  endangered     up and change things.
          guys and they got to work break-   flora  and  fauna  can  also  be
          ing down the needles and creat-    found there,  symbolizing  a  mi-
          ing a pile of humus that in a de-
          cade was almost twelve inches
          thick.  The  perfect  environment
          for greater  biodiversity  as  the
          Casuarinas  began  to naturally
          extend their territory across the
          park, some reaching heights of
          20  to 30  meters,  with  2.4  me-
          ter thick trunks. All of this hap-
          pening over a few decades. As
          they spread, some among them
          reached their peak and began to
          fall to ground, creating wonder-
          fully rich environments for other
          life to thrive and flourish.

                                           heal . restore . rebirth .  Afrika   |    101
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