Page 12 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 6
P. 12
which says that we can talk
about how Christianity dam-
aged our Afrikan way of life, cul-
ture, tradition etc and then not
talk about how we are not even
trying to live the Ubuntu way
of life which we inherited from
our forefathers. We can’t keep
fighting to regain our Afrikan
originality by hiding our heads
in the sand when it concerns
living the Ubuntu lifestyle, while information but no wisdom, his
at the same time we won’t stop technology that will only make
blaming the white man and his man dependent on machines,
supposed religion for our woes. we appreciate his mindset
It’s high time we called things because it makes us feel like himself/herself. You exist physi-
what they are. We must tell heroes when we use them and cally only as you are immersed
ourselves that we have failed then turn back to say the white in an ocean of life-giving air.
in upholding the truth and the man is the demon that deval- One exists as a man only
indigenous knowledge systems ued our Afrikan heritage. We because you have participated
of our forefathers and thus we have somehow mastered the from the moment of birth in a
must repent for that. An Afrikan evil art of crying foul like victims world of human beings and
proverb says “It is a bastard and at the same time won't stop culture. You are a self-in-a-
that points at his father’s house sleeping in the same bed with world, not just a self. “To be”
with his left hand.” We Afrikans the victimizer. Hypocrites of the is not only you and the world,
have now mastered how to hold worst order! No one should bite but it means to co-create a life
the white man's chicken and with his teeth the very meat he world. We permeate each other;
chips with our right hand while forbids. That is simply treacher- we are present in each other.
pointing with our left hand to ous. For if we are not careful We influence and form each
our father's house that the white we will just be like the foolish other’s personality. We exude
man "destroyed". For while we Boko Haram sect whose ideol- feelings and actions, which help
banter and lament over the ogy says “modern education determine the feeling tone of
white man and whatever non- is an abomination” but at the our home, our class at school,
sense he has done in and to same time they use the weap- the other person with whom we
Afrika, we do not go back to tell ons and the technology that the are talking. We are constantly
ourselves the truth that we do "modern abomination" created, offering good or not-so-good
not really want to let go of the to fight their so called holy war possibilities to some situation.
white man’s game, delicacies for their holy god. Foolishness The need to think afresh about
and his capitalist tendencies. of the highest order if you ask moral problems is ever present
Prove me wrong if you can. We me. Africanism and the subject and particularly great in a peri-
love the white man's inferior of emancipating Afrika must not od of rapid economic and social
knowledge that is just a few be subjected to such madness change and rapid advance in
hundred years old while calling of the mind and hypocritical knowledge of human nature. In
ours which has been for mil- reasoning. the pages that follow, it is indi-
lennia, primitive or alternative. cated that Ubuntu is an instru-
We love his inferior medicine What is Ubuntu? ment of peace. Therefore, to
that kills more than heals while Ubuntu clearly goes beyond a heal the wounds of our unpal-
calling our indigenous Afrikan set of definitions, so to give an atable and painful history, and
medicine witchcraft. We love explanatory theory of Ubuntu, the world, Ubuntu, it is argued
his inferior lifestyle of individu- let me share an excerpt from an here, is one of the best medi-
alism, greed, capitalism and article written by Dr Mfuniselwa cines to use because it is the
superiority complex, his twisted Bhengu. key to the creation of a better
educational degrees that gather “No person exists in and out of society. Through Ubuntu we are
12 | heal . restore . rebirth . Afrika