Page 15 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 6
P. 15
Please tell us about neighbor and his father was that permission?” [Laughs]I reminded
yourself guy you look at and you’re like, Him of 2001 when I had nearly
My name is Fannis Mwende. “Even me I want a father like died and I had made Him a
I am proudly thirty years old. that one.”) She said, “Yes, your promise. I was having an asthma
Age, for me, has always been Father is in Heaven, your Father attack and was on the brink of
something that excites me. is God.” I took that seriously and death. The only person who
that’s when I went and told Him, could have helped me, said to
To know that it’s not just been
thirty years, it’s been thirty “Really, if You’re my Father, like me, “You go sort yourself out. I
amazing years that I would the one Papa has, then I want don’t care!” I told God, “Daddy,
have otherwise not seen if a Cinderella dress.” At the end I’m not ready to meet you today.”
God had not saved me each of that week, on a Friday night, I was feeling cold coming up
my mother told me, “I want us to from my feet and all I could think
time I brushed shoulders with
death starting from before I was go to Garissa Lodge tomorrow. I about was, ‘I haven’t even said
born. I am a devoted mother to want to go get you a Cinderella goodbye to my mum.’ He gave
two fantastic humans. I am a dress!” I had not had that me a scripture to read and I read
wholesome wife to one amazing, conversation with her! That’s it and I just told Him, “If You free
when, more than Him just being me from this thing and I never
good man. I am a passionate
lover of God and people and I God in heaven, He became my have asthma again, I will serve
have a wonderful little dog. Daddy. I grew up knowing that You for the rest of my life with
my Father hears me and really all I am and with all I have.” So
looks after me. when He asked me if He could
When did your journey
receive mum, I told Him, “You
With God first start?
So you never felt the lack of have taught me that You are a
For the longest time I used to
a biological father? Father Who keeps Your Word
say that it was in 1998, until
Not at all, for two reasons: After and You expect Your children to
August 2007 when my mother emulate You. You have always
took me for what would be our the conversation I had with my been God to me. And I promised
first and only vacation. She told mother, literally pointing me
back to the Father, I realized I you in 2001 that I would love
me, “Did you know I gave my life
had a Father who could do and you with all that I am and with all
to Christ because of you?” And
be everything Papa’s father that I have. If you don’t heal her
I went, “What do you mean? I completely but instead choose
know you gave your life to Christ was to them - and then some. to receive her, all I ask is that
in ’97.” She said, “Well, you gave As soon as I told Him, “You are
my everything,” He made sure I You give me the grace every day
your life to Christ in ’96, if not
never had a void in my life. Even to live without her and that You
earlier than that.” She said that
after He asked me if He could don’t allow me to feel like I’m
because of the transformation an orphan.” The next day, after
she saw in my life, she told God, receive my mum into His glory, my mum had breathed her last,
“Whatever that child has, I want and He did, He brought mothers,
fathers, sisters and brothers into as I lay on her lifeless body, all
my life. He just keeps giving. I could tell Him over and over
As far back as I can remember,
Secondly, my relationship with was, “Yes, I will still love You, I
I have known Him and loved will still love You.”
Him. However, the reason I my mum was so wholesome.
used to insist I got saved in Not once did she make me
feel like we needed more to be How did you manage after
’98 was because that’s when
complete. that? She passed on when
I have my earliest memory of
Him speaking to me audibly. you were still in university?
This revolutionized my life. He asked you if He could Yes, while in my first year,
That same year I had another receive your mum? second semester. One of the
Yes, He asked me, “If I receive things that made that transition
turning point, when I asked my
mother who my father was and mum into my Glory, will you still much easier, was my mum was
she told me, “Your Father is in love me?” And I asked Him, my best friend. All through my
Heaven.” I said, “I mean a father “Now, Daddy, You are God, life she involved me in nearly
like Papa’s.” (Papa was my why on earth do You need my every single decision she made, heal . restore . rebirth . Afrika | 15