Page 19 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 6
P. 19


      One word, surrender!                   the areas where we continue        you go through life and the
                                                                                bitterness of it and you come
                                             to grow even more as we
      That is one thing that my              learn and enjoy what love and      to a place of conclusion that
      life is consistently about;            freedom in Him really is.          is simply not consistent with
                                                                                who He is. I don’t think that
      a life of surrender,                   Please share your                  was the revelation that God
      which is consistent with               perspective of your                gave Job of Himself. I think that
                                                                                was from a place of pain and
                                             journey as seen through
      the love and freedom                   God’s lens.                        neither from the place of growth
                                                                                nor the place of Rhema. For
      expression I have shared               One word, surrender! That          me, if there’s one thing I know
                                             is one thing that my life is
      about.                                 consistently about; a life of      about my Father, He is a giver.

                                             surrender, which is consistent     Period. Even when you think
          all if God had not sown those      with the love and freedom I        about the life of Christ, He got
          seeds Himself. The words I told                                       to that place of surrender. He
                                             have shared about.
          the doctor when she gave me                                           was like, “This cup of suffering
                                             I see this every time and in
          the diagnosis were, “I will not                                       is not funny, I may not even
                                             every level, so much so that
          take any drugs. If and when                                           like it but Your will be done;
                                             when Zara was born, where
          Daddy sees it fit for me to carry   most children are born with       I’m Your hands and feet. You
          His seed, He’ll plant that child                                      use Me.” And Daddy was like,
                                             their fists clenched, she was
          Himself in my womb.” It hit                                           “Great! Because I know You
                                             born with her hands open.
          me later, “Oh yeah! The Lord                                          get what I am trying to give
                                             One of the things God was
          Himself plants.”                                                      my children in the end.” (My
                                             teaching us through these
          When we began to seek Him          pregnancies was that these         paraphrase!)
          out to know what to name our                                          If there’s one thing I want
                                             children are not ours; they are
          children we sought to know                                            people to understand it’s
                                             His. When you live your life
          from God what He called each                                          that, because every time
                                             with your hands open, so that
          child, since He knows us from                                         someone dies they say, “God
                                             you literally become His hands
          before we are in our parents’      and feet, you become a point       has given and He has taken
          wombs.  Zara in Hebrew means                                          away.” I think it’s just a proper
                                             of exchange between you and
          seed or to sow and Thandiwe is                                        misrepresentation of who the
                                             God; meaning there is mutual
          a South African name meaning                                          Father is, and I think if you
                                             understanding about giving
          beloved, from the root word                                           don’t know Him, it’s just a sure
                                             and receiving. You no longer
          thanda which means “love”.         hold back anything that He’s       place of pain you’re creating to
          Therefore, she is a seed (love)                                       wallow in.
                                             already given you; instead,
          sown to the beloved (By Love.
                                             you are aware that you are
          For love. Colossians 1:16-20).                                        Is that what inspired your
                                             only a steward; a conduit. That
          Our son’s second name, Huru,                                          book?
                                             set us free. So then we don’t
          is Swahili meaning free or         raise them with or in fear and     My book is about the whole
          liberty (2 Corinthians 3:17). In
                                             prevent them from going out        journey; the faith, trust,
          summary, Jezreel Huru is one                                          love and surrender. He was
                                             and literally playing with dirt,
          who has been sown by God to                                           teaching me these concepts
                                             or live in the constant fear
          be a living epistle of one who is                                     independently of each other,
                                             that they would choke on their
          like the wind and is therefore,    food. These and more things        one word at a time in 2009.
          led (only) by the Spirit.
                                             the Holy Spirit teaches them,      When He asked me to put
          Now, because of our children,                                         them together, I thought they
                                             because there’s only so much
          I know what my husband and                                            were linear and then one
                                             you can do as a parent.
          I have been brought together                                          day in 2015, He said, “I Am
                                             One thing I would want to
          for: love and freedom. You         dispute that many take at face     eternal.”Then it hit me that it’s
          know, you’re mostly tested in
                                             value, is that the Lord gives      a cycle: there’s no faith without
          the area where your purpose                                           trust, no trust without faith.
                                             and takes away. I don’t believe
          really is and those have been                                         There’s no trust without love
                                             He does that. Sometimes
          the biggest areas of battle for                                       and there’s no love without
          us as a couple. Those are also                                           heal . restore . rebirth .  Afrika   |    19
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