Page 18 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 6
P. 18


          the ultrasound and she told        Mama (she has a medical            What was your
          me that I might need fertility     background) and she said, “The     relationship with like God
          drugs when we were ready to        hormones are trying to decide      through this?
          conceive. I told her we weren’t    whether you are pregnant or        This first pregnancy came
          ready to conceive. She said,       not.”[laughs] So I went back to    6 months into our marriage.
          “This thing is unpredictable, as   the gynae because I wanted to      In our first year of marriage,
          early as you can, start. Come      confirm the results with a scan.   Daddy took us through a
          back when you’re pregnant or       I got the ultra sound and found    journey of unlearning and
          ready to get pregnant.”            out I was pregnant! We went        learning many things; and one
          Before I left her office, I asked   from, ‘Oh my goodness! We         of those lessons was about
          her what would have happened       might never get pregnant and       naming. He took us through
          if I was on any family planning    if that is how you see it Daddy,   a journey where He reminded
          and she told me, “Oh that          we will still love you’ to ‘Oh my   us how He had changed my
          would have complicated things      goodness! We are pregnant…         husband’s name from Muema
          more…your chances would            but we’re not ready!’ It was just   (difficult, stubborn, hard) to
          have been way slimmer.” Then       a roller coaster of emotions.      Mwema (good) in 2013 and
          I understood why God had           [Laughs]                           how that once He did that,
          given me that instruction about    That was one of those              things that had previously
          family planning. This right        pregnancies where every day        been blocked for him, suddenly
          here is why I insist, there is     was a faith journey for me. Not    opened up. He was teaching us
          nothing as important as training   knowing whether you have a         that even in the Bible, children
          up your child to hear God for      live embryo or not, because        were not called their fathers’
          themselves from the day they       you’ve been told that some of      surnames and that though we
          are conceived; because you         the complications that come        have been disconnected from
          cannot teach them everything,      with PCOS are that you are         these generational things, we
          but the Holy Spirit does, can      three times more susceptible to    continue taking them up by
          and will. That for me has been     miscarriages, you have a high      taking the names of our (fore)
          my saving grace every day of       chance of pre-eclampsia - the      fathers yet everyone has their
          my life.                           reports are just fear-packed.      own journey and purpose.
          My husband’s reason for            Where others do one or two         Names have so much power
          wanting to wait was that,          scans, I did eight or 10 scans     and destiny in them, it’s not
          financially we were in a deep      through that pregnancy. Every      even funny.
          valley. When I got home and        single time I woke up and was      God had already given us
          told him the doctor’s report, the   like, “I don’t feel” or “I feel”, it   our son, Jezreel’s name in
          conversation went from, ‘we        was, “Okay! Let’s go.”I saw        2012. I thought he would be
          want children in two years’ to     the doctor every two weeks!        our firstborn; I was convinced
          ‘we may never have children?       Although (because God…)            I was carrying a boy. Jezreel
          Let’s start now!’ [Laughs] This    every time I went for these        means “The Lord Himself has
          thing is not in your hands, my     scans we found that we in fact     sowed.” God gave that name
          friend. It was a very heart-       needed to go. For instance,        when He was teaching me the
          wrenching night and couple         on one of those visits, when I     lengths He is willing to go to
          of days. During that period, I     was at 18 weeks, we found out      communicate to us His heart
          got a cold that had me down        that I was having contractions.    (love and redemption) and
          for a few days. After that I       I was put on bed rest and          that He is coming very soon.
          started feeling a little odd and   given medication to stop the       Contrary to my expectations,
          for some reason, my husband        contractions. That pregnancy       God gave us a beautiful
          insisted that I needed to take     taught me ‘In Him we live,         daughter first; Zara Thandiwe
          a pregnancy test. At this point    breathe and have our being’        and eight months later,
          my period was over 50 days         on a whole new level. It’s not     Jezreel was conceived. Then I
          late. I did the test and it showed   in your hands at all; stay in His   understood why He had given
          two very faint lines. We shared    hands and rest.                    me Jezreel’s name principally.
          the news first with another                                           None of our children would
          mum who I call Super Dear                                             have ever been conceived at

          18   |   heal . restore . rebirth .  Afrika
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