Page 13 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 6
P. 13
moral decay – where the gen- the very heritage we still have
eration we live in, has become left from our forefathers that
insensitive to the presence and we so much want to return to
flow of the life-saving element their days? We don’t need the
of Ubuntu within the communal permission of any Afrikan gov-
veins of our society. We have ernment to love ourselves as
thus given in to forces that are Afrikans. We don’t need visas
leading us to the point of self- or passports to spread the love
hate and self-destruction. This and the Afrikan brotherhood
is being evidenced by the social across Afrika and in the dias-
ills that have become a plague pora. We don't need borders
to our human society. Human to be removed (even though it
interest is the basis of all value is inevitable) before we begin
and that human fellowship is to help ourselves rise. We can
the most important of human begin by breaking these mental
weaving a cord of destiny – a needs. I strongly believe in hu- borders that we have allowed
destiny that is beyond the reach manism because it has taught to fester in our minds about our
of the spirit-forms, and should me, and many others, to value Afrikan brothers. We hate our-
they (spirit-forms) try to ascend human dignity. It has taught me selves even more than we hate
to that destiny, they will break that all human beings are born that the white man damaged
their tiny toes. Once we reach free and equal in dignity and our Afrikan history and narra-
that destiny, everybody, friends rights. You possess human dig- tive. Love conquers all things,
and foes alike, will preach it nity if and only if you maintain thus we cannot do anything to
to the world. This philosophy it within yourself and you want change the negative narratives
(Ubuntu) is not like a ship that other people to recognize it. No of the Afrikan life if we are not
can sink, but it is like a sea on one gives you human dignity. ready to do so through love
which many ships sail. It is not People can only acknowledge and brotherhood of the Afrikan
a dogma; but a set of attitudes and affirm it. You nurture and people both at home and in the
to peace, justice and equality. nourish it yourself; if you have diaspora. We must walk away
It is the light that illuminates self-respect. Healthy self-worth from this hypocritical way of
the entire world. We need to shows that you have self-re- judging the evils of the white
embrace Ubuntu in such a way spect. Dignity goes with worth. man, while at the same time not
that when we see a woman, Decency towards others comes giving room for the true Afri-
whether black or white, we say, from your sense of dignity. You kan spirit to rise. That will be a
“You are my sister”, and when treat other people decently if failure on both ends of the stick
we see a man, whether rich or you treat yourself in that way. and a disappointment to our
poor, whether white or black, We are not able to give to oth- beloved forefathers that we so
we say “You are my brother”. ers what we ourselves do not much wished to be like.
Once we achieve this level, the have.”
night would be over and the day
would have begun to embark on Let us secure the Afrikan
our journey towards reaching heritage
our destiny. We live in a time of
The above excerpt gives a
cultural disarray and cultural de-
broader perspective of what
cay: an age filled with ruins and
Ubuntu can do for our global vil-
fragments of morality. Hence,
lage, but we must first endeavor
our intellectual landscapes are to give life to Ubuntu right here
littered with allegorical tales of
at home, for like they say, char-
deterioration rather than drama-
ity begins at home.
tive narratives of reconciliation.
So while there are lots of things
Our spiritual and social “Being”
to detox the Afrikan mindset
is benumbed and chilled to a of, and while we work towards Samuel Phillips
state of impotency. Our eth- is a writer, gospel music artiste and a
doing that, can we just simply
ics have become fragments of photographer. He is passionate about Afrika and
begin to live out the reality of her true freedom. He runs and heal . restore . rebirth . Afrika | 13