Page 24 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 6
P. 24


                         hen a nation, a     Owe no man anything, but to
                         people, a per-      love one another according
                         son becomes         to Romans 13:8 is one of the
                         too money-con-      most important instructions in
          Wscious and                        the Holy Book. It has no basis
          overly profit-oriented, all forms   in culture, religion, language or
          of compromises will set in and     creed. It is a human to human
          when that happens, priorities      requirement irrespective of
          will begin to shift from that      wherever they are from. And
          which makes men human to           for the institutions and persons
          that which brings more gain,       that want to change the world,
          more profit and by that, corrup-   they can begin with this simple
          tion which leads to a degener-     reality that love is what makes
          ated society will be the order     our world go round and not
          of the day. Nations, kingdoms,     money as we have been told
          businesses, empires and rela-      over time. The lifestyle of love is
                                                                                      “Everyone on this
          tionships have been destroyed      the most important that will help
          by this pattern and many more      us deal with the many issues                      planet
          will still be destroyed if we don't   we have on earth right now. The
          change our ways and see that       killings, maiming, kidnapping,        Must come together
          we were first human before we      terrorism, fraud, adultery and all               as one.
          ever were anything else we find    that man has been plagued with
          ourselves doing. What makes        are nothing but the effect of the    One mind, one spirit…
          for our common unity is not        absence of love for one anoth-
          money or gain but love, com-       er. Why? The commands “Thou          And we need the love
          passion and brotherhood. We        shalt not commit adultery,”                  of the savior
          have however created a system      “Thou shalt not kill,” “Thou shalt
          that keeps defying this reality    not steal,” will all be irrelevant if   Before we go bankrupt
          of love and humanity amongst       we love others the way we love                   on love
          ourselves and then cry foul        ourselves.
          when karma comes our way.                                               Yahweh is the answer.”
          Forgetting that when it comes      The Love Bankruptcy
          to the principle of you reap       As I write this article, I remem-
          what you sow, it has nothing       ber a song by Tonex titled         it is much more than just music
          to do with religion but much       YHWH (YAHWEH) that he              or words of a song, but a reality
          more about a universal law that    released in 2008. The first time   that we must tell and also push
          puts all men on the same scale     in 2008 that I listened to that    ourselves to do before we go
          before God.                        song, I was blown away by both     really bankrupt on love. For
          We have somehow become             the music and then the lyrics.     the love that many profess is
          too selfish to even notice the     The first part of the lyrics which   nothing but feelings, emotions
          situations others go through       is why I am bringing up this       and selfish desires which have
          daily while mastering the act of   song says:                         nothing to do with what love
          talking about love and the many                                       really is. For if it was true that
          other love fantasies we have       “Everyone on this planet           real love is about feelings, emo-
          in our heads but without a clue    Must come together as one          tions and selfish desires, then
          as to what love really means.      One mind, one spirit…              why do we still have so much
          In my opinion, we are all debt-    And we need the love of the        hatred and evil in our societies?
          ors to the universal golden rule   savior                             And why do offenses break
          which mandates us to love God,     Before we go bankrupt on love      relationships that were suppos-
          and then our neighbors just as     Yahweh is the answer.”             edly created through love? An
          we love ourselves.                                                    accurate look at our world will
                                             Back then in 2008, the song        tell you clearly what we lack.
          Owe no man nothing but             made so much musical, lyrical      Love is simply missing and we
          LOVE                               and vocal sense to me. But now

          24   |   heal . restore . rebirth .  Afrika
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