Page 28 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 6
P. 28


                                              Work  therefore is  not  what  puts

          Abraham, who was so  blessed        food on your table, but what puts
          of God beyond worldly  goods
          that his bosom as father Abra-      you at the table of the blessing of
          ham became a place of rest for
          the  saints  who  have  finished  God.

          their works here on earth, while
          they wait for their inheritance in   been reported over the years. It   and that purpose is what creates
          God.  This is true blessing. For   simply points us to the truth that,   our daily reality and for which we
          true blessing exceeds this phys-   there is that purpose in God that   are expected to  be committed
          ical earth and speaks in eternity.  He puts in every man’s heart and   to. When true faithfulness takes
                                             until they find it, tend and keep it,   hold of a man, his entire lifestyle
          Work redefined                     they will always feel emptiness    takes the shape of that commit-
          The Lord said that  to  do the     in their souls. Work, therefore, is   ment to what he is faithful to. If
          work of God is to believe in Him   not what puts food on your table,   such faithfulness is to God, then
          whom He sent. To believe is to     but what puts you at the table of   such a man already lives in eter-
          align with the thoughts of God.    the blessing of God.               nity even while still on earth.
          Meaning work before God is to
          do in practical terms, the thing   Faithfulness                       Tend and keep
          or things the mouth of God         Faithfulness  is the backbone      Over the past years, I have often
          says. People work for different    of every relationship,  both with   wondered  what exactly can be
          reasons. Some work for the         men and with God. But the          said is the original plan of God
          purpose  of paying  bills,  some   meaning  of faithfulness has       concerning  man and his daily
          for social  status, some work to   been battered over time to         purpose on earth. One founda-
          proof their worthiness before      mean some kind of controlling      tional principle stands out strong
          others, but few really work for    commitment to  something or a      if seen for what it is. I speak of
          the purpose of the mind of God     relationship, or agreements etc.   the principle of Tend and Keep.
          being established  in their lives   But  to  see faithfulness as just   By this simple phrase given from
          and on the earth. Did you know     commitment is not complete, for    the heart of God to humanity
          that there is the Book of Life of   it goes beyond just commitment    from the inception of the earth,
          the Lamb of God and also the       to  an alignment  to  a  purpose.   everything was meant to work. It
          books of works in heaven? (See     Even among married people or       doesn't matter which field of en-
          Rev 20:12.) Mind you,  it’s  not   those in relationships,  commit-   deavor or calling, all is subject-
          necessarily the  details of  the   ment without a vision or purpose   ed to the principle of Tend and
          job you are doing right now on     for the relationship is practically   Keep. This is a master principle
          earth or the many contracts you    useless. No one can commit to      that carries the power to change
          are executing right now that is    a purposeless  relationship,  ex-  our world if  applied with dili-
          written in the books of works,     cept if such a relationship is just   gence and commitment to God.
          but the answer of a good con-      make believe.  Same way, our       To tend and keep is to incubate,
          science before God in the light    lives are not just some random     birth, nurture and watch diligent-
          of the things  He said  to you     pieces  of events that make us     ly over the purpose or the word
          which you obeyed and which         go to school, graduate, get a job,   of God given to a man within the
          created a lifestyle of tending     get married, make babies etc.      space of the time and the gen-
          and keeping  God’s purpose on      We were created for a purpose      eration in which it is given. It is
          earth irrespective of the job you
          find  yourself  doing.  Have  you
          ever wondered why a man will
          have an executive position in a
          multinational  company and still
          complain of the feeling of empti-
          ness on the inside, coupled with
          lack of any form of eternal val-
          ue? Several of such cases have

          28   |   heal . restore . rebirth .  Afrika
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