Page 27 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 6
P. 27
rom the various issues reality of their purposes while of God only rests on him who
going on in our world others don’t doesn't change the tends and keeps His purpose
right now and the glob- fact that everyone was born for on earth. Period! Why? God is a
al shutdown happening a God-given purpose. There are creator and if man was created
Fbecause of the dreaded lots of teachings and books out in his image and likeness, then
corona virus, we have to clear- there that speak of the purpose man automatically becomes a
ly now redefine what it means or destiny of men to the point co-creator by the act of nurturing
to work from the perspective of where those terms have become the very things God created and
how God intended it from the clichés and topics only useful for then replenishing them. When
beginning. There is not a bet- making businesses grow, and scripture says God will bless the
ter time in history than the time not for the supply of truth that work of a man’s hand, He wasn’t
we are in right now, where each gives clear perspectives of the just talking of how we have de-
man should conduct a thorough mind of God concerning each fined it as increment in business
review of their lives, assign- person and how they can be ef- turnover or better jobs or what-
ments and purposes on earth, to fective in their lives on earth. ever we like to define it as. He
see if each has been faithful to was speaking of the blessing
their life's purpose. For if by the He, God, puts on the man who
Every man is blessed
hand of just one unseen virus tends and keeps His purpose, ir-
Then God blessed them, and
the entire system of the world respective of the financial status
God said to them, “Be fruitful
shut down, jobs closed, compa- of such a man. The true bless-
and multiply; fill the earth and
nies asked their employees to subdue it; have dominion over ing of God over a man is found
work from home, schools closed in these words "well done thou
the fish of the sea, over the birds
for an unknown duration, friends good and faithful servant, en-
of the air, and over every living
and families were told not to ter into the REST of your Lord"
thing that moves on the earth.”
even shake hands, then I think even while such man is still alive
The blessing of God over all of
it’s time we asked ourselves creation is not linked to any form on earth. The blessing of God is
what really is God saying to us REST. And rest is not defined as
of affiliation to religious organi-
here? I really don’t have an is- holidays in some luxury resorts,
zations or spiritual creeds. Man
sue with anyone who says there but the alignment and confor-
was blessed by God long before
is no God or who thinks their mity of man back to the image
any form of society or commu-
life emanates from some slime nity was created on earth. How- and likeness of God, which was
through evolution, but my take is lost in the beginning and which
ever, this blessing is directly tied
this; no one is here on this earth brings him back to the place
to the principle of tending and
as an accidental discharge from of dominion and authority over
keeping the purpose of God
nowhere; irrespective of how creation. That a man is a bil-
given to man. The blessing of
each was conceived or born or multiplication, replenishment, lionaire according to the wealth
the level of animosity or love be- of this world doesn't mean he is
dominion and all the things God
tween the two that gave birth to blessed of God if such material
spoke to man in the garden are
them. All men on earth are born wealth is not directly connect-
all connected to man’s ability to
for unique God-given purposes. ed to God’s eternal purpose
tend and keep God’s purpose on
That some know and walk in the for such man. Imagine the man
earth. In fact, the true blessing heal . restore . rebirth . Afrika | 27