Page 25 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 6
P. 25
know that.
We all are debtors
I must say I hate and detest
monetary debt and I try as
much as possible not to ever
be caught in it, I also know that
I am still a debtor as regards
loving others just the way God
would have me love them. The
selflessness of loving others
the way we love ourselves is
so much weight sometimes
that, it takes only the grace and worse when a stranger comes us just that and just maybe we
mercy of God to even try to do can learn to take a different
into a new environment. Espe-
so. The natural man doesn’t stand and by that pass the test
cially in these days of terrorism
have the ability to love any- and massive bio-weapons of of love.
thing or anyone outside of what mass depopulation called virus- Will you learn to love through
he gets back as reward. And es. But as scripture rightly says this crisis? It is up to us to bring
I completely understand that. out our true humanity that is
that “perfect love casts out all
But because we were never based on love, compassion
fear”, it simply means that for so
created to be natural ordinary much fear to plague our lives, kindness even as we work
men of failed hearts with noth- then we really have not been towards setting ourselves free
ing but greed, the me and mine perfected in true love. from this world system that has
syndrome, selfishness, hate, become a burden on us all.
violence, jealousy, envy and
An opportunity in crisis
every other thing that a love The outbreak of Corona virus
depleted heart does, we cannot may mean different things to
but review our hearts and make
different people, especially to
the changes that are required
those who created it, but for
before we get to point zero of
me, it seems it was allowed to
no return. For it’s easier to love test our collective Humanism.
for what one gets in return than And by this, I am not in any
to love for the sake of having
way giving any credence to the
been perfected in the love
disease. But since it has no
of God. But to love selflessly
value for race, skin color, social
without the hope or thought of class, education, political and
a repayment, God has to be economic status etc, it seems to
involved somewhere and some-
level all the noise about the first
how, even if many of us think
world and third world narrative
He doesn't exist.
and the other unknown worlds
It's painful to say that this is in between. The way you watch
where we all are right now in some people fight to collect
this world. A world where the Samuel Phillips
everything on the shelves
most popular word or phrase is is a writer, gospel music artiste and a
without thinking about others on
“love” or “I love you”. You hear photographer. He is passionate
the line; you instantly see what about Afrika and her true freedom.
it everywhere; on TV, read it in is wrong with our world. Cap-
magazines, hear it in discus- italism, individualism, greed, He runs and
sions and then with all the hype
me and mine alone syndrome
about love and loving, the evil
are all killers of our collective
of man still doesn’t stop. There
Humanism; and corona virus
is fear of the known and the un- seems to have come to show
known everywhere. It gets even