Page 105 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 8
P. 105


          therefore both an act of violence   modern world.
          against and an insult to the victim. It   Looking at the media space, both
          was a common belief that the soul   online and on TV or Radio, you
          was concentrated in the head and   instantly begin to see some things
          that taking an enemy's head there-  that are not adding up as regards
          fore weakened the enemy's entire   the negative narratives that are be-
          community. In many headhunting     ing pushed about Afrika. Recently,
          societies, taking a head was consid-  I began to notice that when I want
          ered a rite of manhood, denoting   to maybe sign up for something
          the transition from childhood to   online or want to make a purchase,
          adulthood, and young men were      I get messages like, "this service   should be hanged for corruption.
          forbidden to marry until they had   is not available in your region" or   Show me your thieving friend and
          claimed one. Victorious hunters    something close to that. Sometimes   I will show you your thieving heart
          would collect heads as trophies    in my head, I am like, so, my region   that is also compromised.
          and display them prominently to    is good enough for the governments
          enhance their personal reputations   of these foreign companies who   Just recently, a video went viral
          and that of the tribe as a whole,   say their service is not available in   online about Dr Stella Immanuel,
          with the added bonus of helping to   my region, to exploit and steal the   a Cameroonian by birth, Nigerian
          intimidate current and future ene-  resources of?                     trained medical doctor who lives
          mies. Headhunting has a long histo-  Afrika has been dealing with both   in the US. In the video, she was
          ry as a supremely effective weapon   direct human to human racism and   posing strongly that she won't allow
          and those that practiced it often   systemic racism for a very long time   Americans to die of Covid-19, espe-
          enjoyed very fierce reputations as   and I think we Afrikans now need   cially when the drug hydroxychloro-
          warriors. Given this fascination with   to do something critical about it,   quine is found to both prevent and
          headhunting practices, it is hardly   like yesterday. And some of this   cure the disease. The internet went
          surprising that artifacts collected   systemic headhunting and racism   crazy with a whole range of smear
          from head taking tribes are particu-  are very subtle. So subtle that you   campaigns to destroy her character.
          larly desirable to collectors around   wouldn't even know you are being   And one thing that instantly caught
          the world.                         racially profiled and set up to fail.   my eye is the fact that her credibility
                                             For instance, you want to make an   as a medical doctor was being fault-
          Headhunting in a racist and global-  online payment through maybe     ed. Why? Because she was trained
          ist controlled modern day          PayPal and let’s say from the US to   in Afrika.
          I clearly did not write this article   any Afrikan country and vice versa.
          with the objective of putting a spot-  Your transactions are systematically   Here is my point:
          light on the evil called headhunting,   delayed for unusual periods and   Why do we still have France dic-
          which some ancient tribes practiced   for unreasonable causes, which I   tating the economic and political
          in several parts of the world for   think points to the fact that since   agenda in Afrika's Francophone
          whatever reasons they may have     the transactions involve an Afrikan   countries? Why is Afrika still where
          had, but which in real terms, is   region, it gives a red flag of po-  she was sixty years ago, even with all
          nothing but the murder of humans.  tential fraud and then follows the   the resources she possesses? Why
          My real reason for writing this    unseen vetting that goes on behind   are the conflicts in Afrika still raging
          article is to ask this question, “Who   the scenes, to see who the Afrikan   even with the efforts of the AU to
          is head hunting Afrika and Afri-   recipient of that transaction is. You   silence the guns?
          kans while displaying their "skulls"   may call those ‘cybersecurity mea-
          like trophies for racial pride and   sures’, but I really don’t think these   I think we really need to be asking
          sports?”                           same measures are applied when     WHO is headhunting Afrika and
                                             thieves who call themselves Afrikan   Afrikans for personal gain and
          A look at the media space          politicians steal money and store   trophies, both within and outside of
          Speaking as a matter of fact, until   them in Swiss banks. Well, maybe   Afrika. Well, I also think we know
          one begins to delve into some new   it’s time someone tells those Swiss   them already, maybe we just need
          spaces or new areas of learning,   banks that both the thief (Afrikan   to put faces to their pathetic selves.
          one does not really have a balanced   politician) and the ones who keep
          approach to things and how they    the loot to run their own society
          work in our modern and not too     (the Swiss banks) are thieves and

          WWW.MSINGIAFRIKAMAGAZINE.COM                                            ISSUE 8 | SEPT/OCT 2020 105
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