Page 102 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 8
P. 102


          Train Up A Child

           Chioma Phillips

          “I will take my child to a         lems and innovate. For those with   Did they learn that they are inher-
          good school where they will        the budget, they may enroll their   ently connected to their Creator
          get a good education and           children in extracurricular activities   and that their lives are sustained
                                             like sports, learning an instrument,
                                                                                through a thriving relationship with
          they will learn how to take        a life skills class or perhaps even a   Him? Did they learn who they
          care of themselves and to          class on etiquette. That, coupled   are and what their purpose and
          be independent.”                   with whatever training they may    destiny is? Did they learn that they
                                             receive from their parents, immedi-  are beautiful and capable and that
                                             ate family and environment around   they need no human’s permission
                    hat’s the plan that a    them (technology and the real phys-  to live a good and fruitful life? Did
                    lot of parents have for   ical world) is meant to craft them   they learn that even though this is
                    their children and many   into a fully-fledged adult, capable   so, there are those who will oppose
          Tschools truly have the
          best intentions for the children   of taking care of themselves, raising   them?
                                             a family and looking after what is
                                                                                Did they learn to be strong and
          that are placed in their care and   given into their care in the world   courageous? Did they learn to love
          do try to impart to them the tools   around them. And so, after about   God, themselves and people? Did
          and skills that society has deter-  two decades of training, these young   they learn what to value and what to
          mined are needed for life. Reading,
          writing, how to answer questions,   individuals are released into the   disparage? Did they learn to value
                                                                                truth and life? Did they learn how
                                             world to leave their imprint on it.
          how to pass exams, how to follow   I found myself wondering wheth-    to give their word and do all to hon-
          the law of the land, how to use a   er, through it all, your young adult   or it? Did they learn how to honor
          computer and some just may even    learnt how to truly look after them-  themselves or the people around
          teach the children how to think
          independently and to solve prob-   selves and the world around them   them? Did they learn not to honor
                                             and what that really entails.      the thieves, murderers, self-cen-

          102     |   Heal . restore . rebirth .  Afrika
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